具有完整发达的根系是壮苗的重要指标之一。油茶系轴状型深根性树种,主根深长,侧须根稀少,植苗造林往往成活率较低。为促使油茶播种苗根旺、苗壮,我们于1973年以来试验用种子催芽、切断胚根的办法取得初步效果,现小结于下: 一、试验方法试验地设于麻江县林科所。年平均气温14.7℃,年降雨量1,330.2毫米,生长期265天。苗圃土壤系白云质灰岩上覆盖的第四纪粘土上发育的黄壤(质地轻壤——重壤),微酸性。经过细致整地,腐熟厩肥拌火土灰加磷肥作基肥(每亩4500斤)。供试种子来自麻江县龙山公
Roots with a well-developed root is one of the important indicators of strong seedlings. Camellia deep-rooted shaft type tree species, the main root deep, scarce side of the fibrous roots, planting and afforestation often lower survival rate. In order to promote the sowing of tea seedling seedlings Wang, Miao Zhuang, since 1973, we experiment with seed germination, cutting radicle root obtained preliminary results, are summarized in the following: First, the test method Experimental sites located in the Majiang County Forestry Branch. The annual average temperature of 14.7 ℃, the annual rainfall of 1,330.2 mm, the growth period of 265 days. Nursery soil Department of dolomitic limestone covered in Quaternary clay on the development of yellow soil texture (light soil - heavy soil), slightly acidic. After meticulous land preparation, composting manure mixed fire ash and phosphorus fertilizer as a base fertilizer (4500 kg per acre). Test seed from Majiang County Longshan public