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  It’s amazing what one will do for the things they’re passionate about. It’s even more amazing when one has a place to meet others sharing that passion. This is why I keep going to anime conventions all these years, despite the unpleasant weather or imperfect outcomes from time to time ?the thrill of being among anime and manga fans like myself is just overwhelming[无法抗拒的].
  Big anime conventions today, like the one I just took part in, always have an expansive, well-stocked dealers[商人]?room. At this convention, all of the big-name North American anime companies were present and had booths[货摊] set up. They showcased classic favorites and recent releases, with the occasional gift or prize tossed[丢] out to the hungry crowd.
  The video rooms showed a varied selection of recent releases, classic anime series and movies. These are always fun to sit in on, as the only thing better than watching something you enjoy is doing so on a giant screen with many like-minded fans.
  No visit to any anime convention would be complete without taking in[包含] some of the cosplay注1 elements. On the other hand, going to big conventions in a costume means traveling at a slow pace, as any cosplayer could rarely go ten feet without being stopped for a photo, or stopping someone else in a costume for a photo. Many people had come to spend a good portion of their time just posing in their costumes, while many others were more than happy to photograph them doing so.
  Costumes ranged from the simple and whimsical[古怪的], to the elaborate[精细的] and the fantastic. People with cardboard[纸板] boxes ?with the word “GUNDAM注2”written on it ?over their heads walked alongside people in Gundam costumes crafted with professional-grade detail. The only things brighter than the pink wigs[假发] were the flash of the cameras surrounding them.
  When you go to an anime convention, you don’t just go for the anime part ?you go for the experience. With all of the attractions, a convention is for the people, who are just like yourself, come together for the love and passion of anime and manga. You go there to haggle[讨价还价] over the price of an anime figure before running up and down the convention hall in a hunt for cool cosplayers. These are the things that make conventions memorable……

A lady was walking down the street to work. She saw a parrot on a perch[栖木] in front of a pet store.   The parrot said to her, “Hey lady, you are really ugly.”   Well, the lady was furious[暴怒的]!   She
这是“学习小提示”:为了增加写作效果,作者运用了不少省略了句子成分的短句,阅读时请注意。相信每个人都有过这样的经历——在食堂要排队打饭,公车到站也要排队上车,去过上海世博会的同学想必一提起排队就愤怒。是的,我们似乎变得越来越急躁,对“等”感到越发不耐烦——也许有些人还没看完这段话就已经跳到正文咯——    You’re in a hurry. You need to know what this
Where do we start? People tell me about their work, relationship, family, exams, etc., and how difficult   it is to handle situations, emotions, and pressures. I, too, share my own ups and downs with
“我的信念”是一个电台节目,每期会邀请来自各行各业、不同阶层的人士朗读自己的文章,围绕这个题目讲述个人经历和人生信念。本文作者是一名犯人,他在监狱这个让人意想不到的地方悟出了一点人生哲理——在这个“学雷锋”月,你或许也会有所感触呢。文章思路清晰,条理顺畅,熟悉内容后可用作诵读材料。    When the 1)scruffy orange cat showed up in the prison y
听力小提示:这篇访谈语速稍快,但风格幽默搞笑,可以作为泛听材料进行练习。先脱离文字听一遍声音,看看你能否归纳出这段对话中提出了几个方面的问题,被访者对此又是如何作答的呢?    Raz: 2010 was the year of 3D movies. And our film critic, Bob Mondello, I believe is considering whether to fil
玛雅人关于2012年世界末日的预言已经被热烈讨论过无数次。你是否相信这个预言呢?也许这个争论只有到2012年才有定论。但科学家说,宇宙很可能才是地球的终结者!  菲尔·普莱特(Phil Plait)是一位研究“天文世界末日”的专家,他是《宇宙之死》(Death from the Skies!)一书的作者,同时还制作了探索频道(Discovery Channel)的最新纪录片《菲尔·普莱特的死亡  
看到这篇文章,小编不禁联想到日本电影《入殓师》。当初听到这个名字的时候非常担心影片的内容会很晦涩阴暗,看过之后却感触良多,发现它处处流露着对生命的尊重和人生的思考。本文是一篇凄美的作品,是美国国家公共电台(NPR)“三分钟小说”写作比赛的获奖文章。也许大多数人没有想过一篇以“some people swore that the house was haunted”开头的文章却没有任何恐怖内容。就如
江南地区分布着许多历史悠久的水乡。它们都有着共同的特点——河湖交错,水网纵横,小桥流水。最可贵的是,在这些小镇里,时间仿佛停住了。这里没有城市的烦嚣,你可以在石板街上闲庭信步,慢悠悠地品尝佳肴,甚至坐在茶馆里发呆。  江南六大水乡(江苏的周庄、角直、同里以及浙江的西塘、乌镇、南浔)之一的乌镇比较完整地保留了水乡古镇的特色,并因其独特的历史文化韵味吸引着众多游人到访。乌镇自古人才辈出,历代著名人物有
I asked her to stay  But she wouldn’t listen  She left before I had the chance to say  The words that would mend  The things that were broken  But now it’s far too late, she’s gone away    *Every nigh
夏洛蒂·勃朗特(1816-1855)的《简·爱》曾经被多次改编成电影、电视剧和音乐剧等。今年,又一部同名电影即将上映,可见这部经典小说确实魅力非凡。  说起夏洛蒂·勃朗特,不得不提勃朗特姐妹的文学成就——三姐妹占据了英语文学名人榜单中的三个席位,恐怕连众多男性作家都自叹  不如。  实在很难想象,三位住在约克郡荒凉漠泽、害羞腼腆、相貌平凡的女性竟有着如此惊人的爆发力——也许封闭的世界恰恰有助于她们