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  You’re in a hurry. You need to know what this story is about. 1)Stat.
  Okay, okay. It’s about impatience. And, so you don’t have to 2)wade through the whole thing, here is the last sentence of the story:
  In other words, 3)imprudence, not impatience, is the problem.
  C U L8R[即later]
  In the past few decades we have become the
  Impatient Nation. We want quick answers to complex problems—the economy, diseases, personal relations.
  We: Speed date. Eat fast food. Use the
  self-checkout lines in grocery stores. Pay extra for overnight shipping. 4)Honk when the light turns green. Speak in half sentences. Start things but don’t fin[即finish]...
  We twitter stories in 140 characters or less, yet some tweets are too long. We 5)cut corners, take shortcuts. We txt[即text].
  We have also become impatient with...wait for it...impatience.
  Speaking for many Americans, 6)prolific author Valerie Frankel wrote in the March 2010 issue of Self magazine: “I’ve always imagined that my impatient
  nature is a sign of my success—something that all busy, hard-driving, intelligent people share.” But it might be “a bad habit I needed to break, not only for my family but also for the sake of my own
  Studies show that impatience can be harmful.
  In 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association pointed out that impatience may lead to increased risk of 8)hypertension among young adults. A 2004 report in the Journal of Biosocial
  Science linked a rise in American impatience with an increase in 9)obesity—as Americans spent more of their income, and saved less, they also gained weight. And in 2007, Science Daily reported that, impatient people may not be as 10)savvy as patient people when it comes to money matters—and so run a greater risk of financial insecurity.
  In other words, impatience can make people tense, fat and broke. The good news, according to Frankel, is that impatience is a behavior, not a
  personality characteristic. It is an 11)outgrowth of “living in a chaotic world,” she observed. And so she set out to mend her 12)fretful ways.
  “Do I still feel impatient? Of course! But I have been
  better about not letting impatient-related rage take over,” she says. This helps “to remember
  that long lines and bad
  service are part of ordinary, imperfect life. I’m not special, and therefore, not 13)exempt
  from daily 14)irritation. Everyone has to deal with it.”
  Now, Now
  Some people blame our national impatience on
  technology. A columnist writes, “Technology has made us impatient. We no longer enjoy pausing. Or remembering.
  We log on, tune in, dial up and speed off like drag
  racers注1, leaving in our 15)wake a 16)swirling cloud of
  historical dust, memory, perspective and people.”
  But technology only does what we want it to do. And we want it to do whatever it does faster. Here’s a quick thought experiment注2: Name one technological
  task you wish could be performed slower. We want computers on NOW. Files downloaded NOW. Phones displaying info[即information] NOW.
  But impatience is not just about 17)acceleration. It’s about 18)agitation. Ants in the pants. 19)Edginess,
  20)rashness, 21)impetuousness.
  We: 22)Clamor for more safety in the skies, then complain when security takes too long—and is
  inconvenient. Can’t take the time to drive to the video store or to wait for a DVD to arrive in the mail, so we order them 23)on demand or stream them on the Web—well, clips of movies at least.
  Impatience as a Virtue
  Whoa now. 24)Cool your jets. Impatience isn’t
  always a bad thing.
  Sure, it can be the sign of a troubled mind: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts
  impatience at the top of the list of 25)symptoms in
  diagnosing someone with 26)traumatic brain injuries.
  But impatience can also be the sign of a healthy mind: Wired注3 magazine lists impatience as a desirable
  characteristic in the “27)X-factor” that leads to success.
  Some of our most 28)revered leaders are impatient people. Bill and Melinda Gates describe themselves as impatient optimists. “The world is definitely getting
  better,” Melinda Gates says publicly. “But it’s not getting better fast enough.”
  And here is President Obama on the subject. “The people are frustrated, they’re anxious, they’re scared about the future,” he said. “And they have a right to be impatient about the pace of change. I’m impatient.”
  Impatience can be a virtue. The country’s Founding
  Fathers were an impatient 29)lot. In an 1822 letter, John Adams described the writing of the Declaration of
  Independence: “We were all 30)in haste,” he said of the
  31)drafting committee, which included Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. “Congress was impatient.”
  The fact is: Everybody would be impatient if
  delayed and frustrated long enough. It’s only when people have an 32)excessively 33)short fuse and get impatient quickly that someone’s impatience becomes a problem for others.
  Poorly thought out impatience can cause grief rather than relieve it.
  In other words, imprudence, not impatience, is the problem.
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