Particle Size Distributions and Organic-Inorganic Compositions of Suspended Particulate Matters Arou

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshinexpsister
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Laser in situ scattering and transmissometry(LISST) significantly improves our ability to assess particle size distribu-tion(PSD) in seawater, while wide-ranging measurements of the organic-inorganic compositions of suspended particulate matters(SPM) are still difficult by using traditional methods such as microscopy. In this study, PSD properties and SPM compositions around the Bohai Strait(China) were investigated based on the measurements by LISST in combination with hydro-biological parameters collected from a field survey in summer 2014. Four typical PSD shapes were found in the region, namely right-peak, left-peak, dou-ble-peak and negative-skew shapes. The double-peak and negative-skew shapes may interconvert into each other along with strong hydrodynamic variation. In the upper layer of the Bohai Sea, organic particles were in the majority, with inorganic particles rarely observed. In the bottom layer, SPM were the mixture of organic and inorganic matters. LISST provided valuable baseline information on size-resolved organic-inorganic compositions of SPM: the size of organic particles mainly ranged from 4 to 20 μm and 40 to 100 μm, while most SPM ranging from 20 to 40 μm were composed of inorganic sediment. Laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST) significantly improves our ability to assess particle size distribu- tion (PSD) in seawater, while wide-ranging measurements of the organic-inorganic compositions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) are still difficult by using traditional Methods such as microscopy. In this study, PSD properties and SPM compositions around the Bohai Strait (China) were investigated based on the measurements by LISST in combination with hydro-biological parameters collected from a field survey in summer 2014. Four typical PSD shapes were found in the region, ie right-peak, left-peak, dou-ble-peak and negative-skew shapes. The double-peak and negative-skew shapes. the Bohai Sea, organic particles were in the majority, with inorganic particles rarely observed. In the bottom layer, SPM were the mixture of organic and inorganic matters. le baseline information on size-resolved organic-inorganic compositions of SPM: the size of organic particles mainly ranged from 4 to 20 μm and 40 to 100 μm, while most SPM ranging from 20 to 40 μm were composed of inorganic sediment.
在诸神的创造物中,十七岁的我,却仿佛是最易朽的。之所以会有这样的感觉,也许是看惯了缀满樱桃的春天是怎样在孟夏喧哗的南风里悄悄溜走的,而葳蕤的荷叶又是如何在七月露珠未干之前化作秋之枯荷的。  幸福流溢的日子,就像绚烂樱花纷纷凋零。而那些虚掷了的挣扎和践踏了的希望,总是萦绕心头,挥之不去。没有远方的海,没有飘扬的旗帜,从黎明到黄昏,不属于这个时代的浪漫与不羁,统统淹没在苍白冷酷的试卷里。  而我,对此
弱,我在初晴的午后给你写信,你能想象到微露的阳光何其明媚。我将其中一束赠予你,便融成了淹没整个公园的爱。我知晓你即将抵达18岁,柔软而令人心疼的年龄。  你是不愿与人倾诉的女孩,骨子里有着与生俱来的执拗,把写字当作唯一并且满足的倾吐方式。许多深夜,你独自面对荧屏的幽光,键盘跳跃的声音进入你的耳朵,你的眼前是一个极为庞大的世界;或者,你半靠在床上阅读岩井俊二的《关于莉莉周的一切》,连世界都安静得只剩