Higher Education in the United States

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A student who has finished high school may want to continue inhigher education. There are several ways to continue in higher educationin the United States. There are universities, colleges, community col-leges, and technical or vocational schools. A university is much larger than a college. It is larger for tworeasons. First, a university in the United States usually has severaldifferent colleges in it. Each college within the university has a specialsubject area. There may be a college of liberal arts where humanities, A student who has finished high school may want to continue inhigher education. There are several ways to continue in higher educationin the United States. There are universities, colleges, community col-leges, and technical or vocational schools. A university is much larger than a college. It is larger for tworeasons. First, a university in the United States usually has severaldifferent colleges in it. Each college within the university has a specialsubject area. There may be a college of liberal arts where humanities,
食物与习语蒋宏人类生活离不开食物。俗话说:民以食为天。下面是一些较常见的与食物有关的习语。1.bringhomethebacon直译为:“把腌肉带回家”。后来引申为:“赚钱养家糊口”。例如:SinceJackisoutofjob,hiswifenow... Food and Id
Hello everyone,welcome to bilingual(Chinese and English)passageway.Customsvary greatly from country to country.Howdo you avoid a potential cultural”faux pas”
今年的全国英语专业八级考试(TEM8)的翻译部分(汉译英)原文全文如下: 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分
阅读理解毫无疑问是 CET 考试最重要的部分:阅读理解40分,占四、六级考试总分的40%;每道阅读题分值为2分,相当于两道听力题、四道词汇题;阅读规定时间35分钟,是耗时最长的一
偷埋  父亲七十一去世时,火化的风声  正紧,在苍老的晚年  看透生死的父亲雇人拉锯,解板  烘干,吊线,筘钉子做白碴棺材  那是一棵泡桐树,像父亲壮年的身体  父亲借用泡桐的身体,和自己做伴  父亲不想像一把草那样被烧,不烧  就不能出殡,披麻戴孝地办丧事  不能请响器,不能扎社火不能路祭,  这是难题和悖论,一个农民的末路  在大地上不如一颗草籽,不如  一只猫一条狗,一只猫在大地上  死了,