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  After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman—my mother out to dinner and a movie. My mother had been a widow(寡妇) for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children made __1__ impossible to visit her __2__.
  That night, I called to __3__ her. “What’s wrong? Are you well?” she asked. “I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you,” I responded. “Just the __4__ of us.” She thought about it for __5__, and then said, “I’d like that very much.”
  That Friday after __6__, I drove over to pick her up. __7__ my arrival, I noticed that Mom, wearing her dress, seemed to be nervous about our date. She smiled from an angel’s face. “I told my friends that I was going out with my son, and they were __8__,” she said, as she got into the car.
  We went to a very nice restaurant. Mom took my arm __9__ she were the First Lady. After sitting down, I __10__ read the menu, for her eyes could only read large prints. “It was __11__ who used to do this when you were small,” she said __12__ at me. “Then it’s time that you relax and let me __13__ the favor,” I responded. During the dinner, we __14__many recent events of each other’s life. The conversation was so __15__ that we missed the movie.
  A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart __16__, which happened so __17__ that I didn’t have a(an) __18__ to do anything for her.
  At that moment, I understood __19__ in life is more important than your family. Give your loved ones the time they deserve, because these things cannot be __20__ till “some other time”.
   1. A. what B. that C. it D. one
   2. A. occasionally B. frequently C. weekly D. daily
   3. A. demand B. invent C. require D. invite
   4. A. six B. three C. two D. four
   5. A. a moment B. an hour C. a minute D. a second
   6. A. school B. work C. dinner D. party
   7. A. Upon B. At C. From D. To
   8. A. shocked B. moved C. impressed D. excited
   9. A. because B. when C. even if D. as if
  10. A. intended to B. had to C. would like to D. planned to
  11. A. me B. your father C. I D. he
  12. A. glaring B. staring C. glancing D. glimpsing
  13. A. give B. return C. repay D. do
  14. A. caught up on B. put up with
   C. hunted for D. came up with
  15. A. amusing B. amazing C. disappointing D. agreeable
  16. A. disaster B. strike C. hit D. attack
  17. A. suddenly B. seriously C. timely D. heavily
  18. A. time B. choice C. opportunity D. chance
  19. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything
  20. A. set aside B. put away C. put off D. cut up
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