目前,大型燃煤锅炉主要是固态排渣煤粉炉,全国第一台670t/h 液态排渣煤粉炉正在白马电厂安装。对部分煤粉炉初步调查表明,燃用低挥发份、低灰熔点煤种的固态排渣炉,其飞灰热损失大,炉内结渣严重;燃
At present, the large-scale coal-fired boilers are mainly solid-state slagging pulverized coal fired boilers. The first 670 t / h liquid slagging pulverized coal fired boilers in China are being installed at Baima Power Plant. The preliminary investigation of some pulverized coal furnaces shows that the solid slag discharger burning with low volatile and low ash melting point coal has large heat loss of fly ash and severe slagging in the furnace.