Mesh Motion Approach Based on Spring Analogy Method for Unstructured Meshes

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shangwenqian
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Mesh motion strategy is one of the key points in many fluid-structure interaction problems. One popular technique used to solve this problem is known as the spring analogy method. In this paper a new mesh update approach based on the spring analogy method is presented for the effective treatment of mesh moving boundary problems. The proposed mesh update technique is developed to avoid the generation of squashed invalid elements and maintain mesh quality by considering each element shape and grid scale to the definition of the spring stiffness. The method is applied to several 2D and 3D boundary correction problems for fully unstructured meshes and evaluated by a mesh quality indicator. With these applications,it is demonstrated that the present method preserves mesh quality even under large motions of bodies. We highlight the advantages of this method with respect to robustness and mesh quality. Mesh motion strategy is one of the key points in many fluid-structure interaction problems. One popular technique used to solve this problem is known as the spring analogy method. In this paper a new mesh update approach based on the spring analogy method is presented for the effective treatment of mesh moving boundary problems. The proposed mesh update technique is developed to avoid the generation of squashed invalid elements and maintain mesh quality by considering each element shape and grid scale to the definition of the spring stiffness. The method is applied to several 2D and 3D boundary correction problems for fully unstructured meshes and evaluated by a mesh quality indicator. With these applications, it is demonstrated that the present method preserves mesh quality even under large motions of bodies. We highlight the advantages of this method with respect to robustness and mesh quality.
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