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误译之事屡见不鲜.英语一词多义的词很多,词义之间大多有些联系;而有的多义词,词义却截然不同.如overhear一词,既有“无意听到”的意思,又有“有意偷听”之意;twilight既指“黎明”、“曙光”,又指“黄昏”、“暮色”.对这类词,非结合上下文难以判断确切词义,但这类词的误译,常能根据上下文逻辑关系发现. 翻译中望文生义的现象也常发生,如将eat one’s words误译作“食言”,将in broad daylight固定译作“在光天化日之下”即属此例. There are many misunderstandings in English. There are many words in English which are multi-sense and most of them have some connections; while some polysyllabic words have different meanings. For example, overhear is not only meaning “unintentionally heard”, but also “ The meaning of intentionally eavesdropping; twilight refers to both “dawn” and “dawn” and to “twilight” and “darkness.” For such words, it is difficult to determine the exact meaning of the words in the context of the unconjunction, but the mistranslation of such words often occurs. According to the contextual logic, it can also be found that the phenomenon of literal meaning in translation also occurs frequently. For example, misinterpreting eat one’s words as “saying” and fixed broad daylight as “under the broad daylight” are examples.
Microsoft is a software giant:toomuch of one,say some.The firm’s domi-nance in the operating-systems marketbrought scrutiny from the US Depart- Microsoft is
就目前英语通用教材来说,对附加疑问句(Tag questions)谈及很少,只是提了“肯定陈述句+简略否定疑问句”或“否定陈述句+简略肯定疑问句”的一般用法,本文拟将其它一些常见
|谢添兄: 接来信,承嘱为《大学英语》写稿谈学英语体会,这真是意外得令我吃惊.关于我的英语程度,恐怕是以讹传讹,终于谬以千里,离真实情况太远了.我虽在校学过几年英语,但从
英语以o结尾的名词,多数都是加-es构成复数. 如:echo-echoes 回声Negro-Negroes 黑人embargo-embargoes 禁运tomato-tomatoes 番茄hero-heroes 英雄torpedo-torpedoes 鱼雷p
不定式完成式有不少值得注意的用法,其中某些内容,在国内的一些语法书里实嫌不够详尽、明确。有鉴于此,本文拟根据英国著名语言学家A.S.Hornby和A.J.Thomson 等的有关沦述,