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由我社编辑的《小学作文系统训练》五年级分册即将由湖南教育出版社出版。下面发表的,是中国教育学会小学语文教学研究会理事长、通用小学语文课本主编袁微子同志为该书写的序文。作者以欣喜的心情概述了当前教学领域里正在发展着的新趋势,预言小学作文教学必将随之产生重大变化,勉励编者在总结作文训练经验时,“吸取其有利于改革的精华,消除其阻碍前进的糟粕”,为促使新趋势汇成大川作出贡献。与序文同时发表的还有人教社小语室崔峦同志写的《小学毕业班的作文训练》。文章对小学作文的目的、命题原则和方式、毕业班作文训练的重点作了剀切的分析和说明,指出:只有遵照教材的要求进行训练,把培养三种能力贯穿在每次训练之中,小学毕业生才能从“题山文海”中解放出来,也才能以较经济的作文训练获得较高的独立作文能力。 The fifth grade subtitles of the “Primary School Composition System Training” edited by our agency will be published by Hunan Education Press. The following is published by Comrade Yuan Weizi, Chairman of the Institute of Primary Chinese Teaching of the Chinese Education Society and editor of the General Primary School Chinese Textbook. The author summarizes the new trends that are currently developing in the current teaching field with a happy mood. He predicts that primary school composition teaching will inevitably produce significant changes. He encouraged the editors to sum up the advantages of reform and eliminate them in summarizing the experience of composition training. The dregs that hinder progress will be contributed to the promotion of the new trend of convergence into Okawa. In addition to the preface, there was “Composition Training for Primary School Graduation Classes” written by Comrade Cui Wei of the Jiaoyuan Small Languages ​​Room. The article makes a earnest analysis and explanation of the purpose, propositional principle and method of the composition of primary school and the focus of the composition training of the graduation class. It points out that only by following the requirements of the teaching materials and training, can we develop three kinds of competencies throughout each training period. Only when primary school graduates can be liberated from the “Tibet Mountain and the Sea of ​​Scriptures” can they obtain higher independent writing ability through more economical composition training.
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