我院授予旅美著名画家、校友 丁绍光先生客座教授,暨丁绍光向母校捐赠《张光宇艺术奖金》

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4月8日上午9:30中央工艺美术学院隆重举行授予中国旅美著名画家、校友丁绍光先生客座教授大会暨丁绍光向母校捐赠《张光宇艺术奖金》仪式。丁绍光先生,1962年毕业于我院装潢系。毕业时,他奔赴祖国的西南边陲云南长期深入生活。并在昆明师大艺术系执教十八年之久。1980年为了与他居住在美国的母亲团聚,开始了他的旅美绘画生涯。在美国的十一年里,他以自己非凡的艺术才能和辛勤的创作 April 8, 9:30 am The Central Academy of Arts and Design held a grand ceremony to award the visiting guest professor of the famous Chinese painter and alumnus Mr. Ding Shaoguang and Ding Shaoguang to donate the “Zhang Guangyu Art Bonus” Ceremony to his alma mater. Mr. Ding Shaoguang, 1962, graduated from the decorating department of our hospital. Upon graduation, he went to the southwest edge of the motherland, Yunnan, long-term life. And Kunming Normal University Department of art coached eighteen years. In 1980, in order to reunite with his mother who resided in the United States, he began his career in the field of painting in the United States. In the eleven years of the United States, with his extraordinary artistic talent and hard work
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