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  (一)and 类并列连词
  and类并列连词主要有and, both... and..., and... as well, as well as, either... or..., neither... nor..., not only... but also...。例如:
  In short, changes in our life have brought us comfort and convenience. (名词)
  In my mind, she is someone who is interested in traveling, swimming and playing table tennis. (动名词)
  I prefer my English classes to be taught in both Chinese and English. (名词)
  On July 16th, our classmates were both surprised and overjoyed when they saw the wall newspaper. (形容词)
  I am going to write a letter to you every other week and do something for you as possible as I can. (动词)
  I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. (现在分词)
  Of course, I’ll do some reading for fun and for knowledge as well. (介词短语)
  To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amount of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. (名词)
  The German girl can neither speak nor write German because she lives in China after birth. (动词)
  Air is neither a solid and a liquid. (名词)
  The speech was given neither by Professor Wang nor by Dr Li. (介词短语)
  Neither can theory do without practice, nor can practice do without theory. (动词)
  In his opinion, we should not only know “what”, but also understand “why”. (动词)
  Protecting our eyesight is not only a personal concern but also a public one. (名词)
  Not only were all the flights cancelled but also many trees were delayed. (动词)
  or类并列连词有or, either... or..., whether... or,这类连词,主要表示选择。
  You can go there by bus or by bike.(介词短语)
  We should not leave the tap water running or waste any materials in the laboratory class. (动词)
  It’s also possible that a pickpocket stole your money while you were shopping, or maybe you lost it on your way home. (句子)
  You can either borrow the dictionary from the library or buy it from the bookshop. (动词)
  You can also enjoy yourself at the café drinking tea or coffee in the evening. (名词)
  As some old people feel lonely, we may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city or anything they are interested in. (名词, 介宾)
  There are only two choices, either you take it or you don’t. (句子)
  Whether I rest or not doesn’t matter. (主谓)
  His opinion, whether right or wrong, should be taken into consideration. (形容词)
  All matter, whether it is solid, liquid or gas, is made up of atoms. (名词)
  but类并列连词主要有 but, however, though等。
  The car didn’t stop but drove off at great speed heading west. (动词)
  Once my parents listened to the radio for news but now they watch TV. (句子)
  Last but not least, have enough sleep, which helps our eyes recover from tiredness. (副词)
  The task is hard, however we’re determined to finish it. (句子)
  The bird was unhappy, though it had enough food and water. (句子)
  (四) 其它并列连词
  rather than, more... than..., prefer... to..., not... but... 它们的意思是“与其说是……还不如说是……”, “不是……而是……”。
  Alice ought to go rather than Mary. (名词)
  He did the work by himself rather than ask others for help. (后面的动词要用原形)
  The British fleet is the instruction of policy rather than of diplomacy. (介词短语)
  I prefer to go in July rather than go in August. (后面的动词要用原形)
  He came to see me rather than I went to see him. (句子)
  The boy preferred playing basketball to staying in the classroom after class.(动名词,后面的动词要用动词 -ing 形式)
  Not you but he was to blame for the car accident. (主语, 谓语动词要注意就近原则)
  What he sees in the mirror is not his physical self but what he will be like in twenty years. (宾语)
  Some of us think it’s better to see the film than to read the book in the original. (不定式)
  Better early than late.(副词)
  You’d better go home than stay here. (动词, 要用原形)
  This is more apparent than real. (形容词)
  It was his tone more than what he actually said that discouraged me. (名词)
  只要你在作文中活学活用以上平行结构, 一定能为你的高考作文锦上添花。
英语中连词if引导条件状语从句是最常见的表达方式。除此以外,还有很多其它可以用来表示“条件”的方法。本文将对那些常考的特殊“条件”表达法作一归纳,以供学生复习参考。    1. 由介词短语on condition that“只要”引导条件句。  You can borrow my umbrella on condition that you return it in time.  只要你及时还我的
Schools and universities in the United States do more than just fill students’heads with knowledge. Their underlying goal is to do the utmost to develop students’potential. The American style of educa
need是在中学课本中用法出现较多的一词,同时也是中学英语“四会”(听、说、读、写)词汇之一。正确理解和运用need是教学大纲的要求。许多同学因为对其用法掌握不够全面而在考试中失分。本文特为同学们归纳了need作行为动词、情态动词和名词的用法,以供大家复习参考。    need作行为动词    一、表示“需要”讲时,后可接名词和代词。  1. Everyone needs water and fo
综合分析近三年的全国卷及各省市高考英语试题,不难看出代词it的用法是高考命题热点之一。本文结合近年的高考英语试题谈谈其主要用法。  用法一: it代替上文中提到的同一物或代替前一分句的内容。  -There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow ______ ?  -No, I’d rather buy
as既可以用作连词,引导多种状语从句,也可以用作关系代词引导定语从句,其用法繁多复杂。现将as从句小结,以便于同学们掌握。    一、引导时间状语从句    1. 作“当……的时候”,其特点为:用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指“一边……,一边……”。如:   The girl dances as she sings on the stage. 这个女孩在舞台上载歌载舞。  He looked
高考英语阅读深层理解题不但要求考生理解文章字面含义,也要求考生理解作者的观点、意图和态度,还要求考生理解文章的主旨大意和主题思想,其热点考查内容如下:  请先看下面一篇阅读理解原材料:  The average British woman’s waistline has grown by 2 inches in 10 years.  A study conducted by Cancer Rese
where在近几年高考中屡次出现,侧重考查where在引导不同从句时的用法,现将where的主要用法归纳如下:    一、where 可以用来引导定语从句,此时可用介词 + which替换。    -Where did you get to know her?  -It was on the farm _______ we worked. (2007年高考安徽卷)   A. thatB. ther
编者语:完成句子是在具体的语境中,灵活运用英语语言知识,考查语言输出能力;既考查词汇储量,又凸显英语语法知识这类试题。由显性的考查变成隐性的测试,加强和升华了语法知识在具体语言环境中的运用,体现了语言的交际性原则。    一、从谓语动词的变化形式入手    谓语动词的变化主要体现在时态和语态上,这是处理完成句子的基本点。动词时态共计16种,常用的有9种,其中较难掌握的结构是(以do为例): be
自1992年以来,成语(包括熟语)的辨析一直是高考试题的必考考点之一。很多学生认为成语成千上万条,积累量大,面对试题,有时真难以下手。其实如果我们在日常生活中注意积累并掌握一些辨析方法与技巧,此类试题是可以迎刃而解的。  高考成语命题时,一般从以下几个方面设置考点:    一、望文生义    【例1】(2009年重庆卷第3题A项):他是一个处事谨慎的人,一向奉行君子之交淡如水的原则,所以很少交朋友
一、“口是心非”型    英语中有些结构和句子从表面上看是肯定形式,但却表示否定意义。如:  This box is too heavy for him to carry upstairs by himself.  这箱子太重了,他无法独自搬上楼。  He has had anything but money with him now.  现在他已身无分文。  I think he is the