Microstructure and mechanical properties of melt-conditioned high-pressure die-cast Mg-Al-Ca alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:opou
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A new shape casting process,melt-conditioned high-pressure die-casting(MC-HPDC) was developed.In this process,liquid metal was conditioned under intensively forced convection provided by melt conditioning with advanced shear technology(MCAST) unit before being transferred to a conventional cold chamber high-pressure die-casting(HPDC) machine for shape casting. The effect of melt conditioning was investigated,which was carried out both above and below the liquidus of the alloy,on the microstructure and properties of a Mg-Al-Ca alloy(AZ91D+2%Ca(mass fraction) ,named as AZX912) .The results show that many coarse externally-solidified crystals(ESCs) can be observed in the centre of conventional HPDC samples,and hot tearing occurs at the inter-dendritic region because of the lack of feeding.With the melting conditioning,the MC-HPDC samples not only have considerably refined size of ESCs but also have significantly reduced cast defects,thus provide superior mechanical properties to conventional HPDC castings.The solidification behaviour of the alloy under different processing routes was also discussed. A new shape casting process, melt-conditioned high-pressure die-casting (MC-HPDC) was developed. In this process, liquid metal was conditioned under intensively forced convection provided by melt conditioning with advanced shear technology (MCAST) unit before being transferred The effect of melt conditioning was investigated, which was carried out both above and below the liquidus of the alloy, on the microstructure and properties of a Mg- Al-Ca alloy (AZ91D + 2% mass fraction, named as AZX912). The results show that many coarse externally-solidified crystals (ESCs) can be observed in the center of conventional HPDC samples, and hot tearing occurs at the interdendritic region because of the lack of feeding. W the the melting conditioning, the MC-HPDC samples not only have impersonate refined size of ESCs but also have significantly reduced cast defects, thus provide superior mechanical properties to conventio nal HPDC castings. The solidification behavior of the alloy under different processing routes was also discussed.
从新课改的角度探讨如何提高高中地理教学效果,如何体现教师的主导、学生的主体地位;如何进行地理课堂教学模式,教学方法改革;如何提高学生的地理知识能力。 How to improve
人物介绍  韩玲,1921年出生于江苏无锡。1940年8月参加新四军。参加过黄桥战役、苏中战役等战役战斗。新中国成立后,她在高校艺术系任教。1957年前往东北,任黑龙江省教育厅高教处文艺部主任,后转至广播系统工作,直至调回江苏,曾任江苏电视台副台长。  我是无锡人,小时候在无锡上海两地长大,所以我的上海口音是比较重的。我的性格很活泼,上学时,我特别爱玩爱跳爱讲。1937年八一三事变时,我还在学堂里
患儿 男,5月龄3日龄,因“发育落后”于2020年5月至厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院就诊。患儿临床表现智力低下、运动发育迟缓,特殊面容,身材矮小、特征性手指足趾、外生殖器小等。基因检测检出致病性基因变异:PHF6基因c.788T>G半合子变异,通过检索人类孟德尔遗传数据库尚无该位点报道。诊断为Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann综合征。
每每看到老师们在讲台上口若悬河,向学生们传道授业解惑时,我就想起一些大师们在讲台上的趣闻。  鲁迅博学多能,课堂上不管是引证或比喻,材料总是格外丰富而生动。上课时,鲁迅先是一阵微笑,接着便念出讲义上的页数,开始讲起来,滔滔如瀑布。鲁迅用幽默的语调,讲不到20分钟,总会听到学生一次哄笑。为了让学生更好理解,鲁迅还在黑板上画画,或以肢体语言表达。一次,为了解释《酉阳杂俎》中的故事,他仰着面,弓着腰,身