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思想教育活动有其自身固有的规律.因此,要提高思想教育的科学性和有效性,关键在于认识和把握规律,自觉地按照规律组织和实施思想教育.思想教育活动具有交互作用的特性,其规律主要有以下三条,即主体思想与客体思想交互作用的规律;自觉影响与自发影响交互作用的规律;内化与外化交互作用的规律.一、主体思想与客体思想交互作用规律主体思想与客体思想的交互作用,是思想教育活动的最基本规律.其内在依据是:主体思想与客体思想是构成思想教育活动的基本要素.主体、客体、环境是人类活动的基本要素.但是思想教育活动的基本要素不是一般意义上的主体、客体和环境,而是体现思想教育活动特征,即影响思想教育的各种环境内化于主客体之中,形成有别于其它事物的基本要素,即主体思想与客体思想.主体思想与客体思想是相互作用的.这两个基本要素的相互作用构成了思想教育的基本矛盾.一方面主体思想与客体思想是相互联系的.没有主体的思想,就没有客体的思想;同样,没有客体的思想,也无所谓主体的思想.客体思想是主体思想的对象和思想教育效果的直接体现者,主体思想是客体思想提升的激发者和思想教育效果的促成者.在一定条件下二者可以相互转化,即客体思想主体化与主体思想客体化.另一方面主体思想与客 Ideological education has its own inherent law, therefore, to improve the scientificity and effectiveness of ideological education, the key lies in understanding and grasping the law and consciously organizing and implementing ideological education in accordance with the law. Ideological education has the characteristics of interaction There are three main laws, that is, the law of the interaction between the subject thought and the object thought; the law of the interaction between the thought influence and the spontaneous influence; the law of the interaction between the internalization and the externalization. The interaction of object thought is the most basic law of ideological education, which is based on the following points: subject thought and object thought constitute the basic elements of ideological education activities, while subject, object and environment are the basic elements of human activities.But ideological education activities Is not the subject, object and environment in the general sense but reflects the characteristics of the ideological education activities, that is, the various environments that affect ideological education are internalized in the subject and the object and form the basic elements different from other things, namely, the subject Thought and object thought.The subject thought interacts with the object thought.The two basic The interaction of which constitutes the basic contradiction of ideological education.On the one hand, the subject thought and the object thought are interrelated.If there is no subject thought, there is no idea of ​​the object; similarly, there is no object thought and no matter the subject thought. The main body of the ideology is the direct embodiment of the object and the effect of the ideological education, and the main body is the initiator of the promotion of the objective thinking and the facilitator of the effect of the ideological education. Under certain conditions, the two can be transformed into each other, that is, the subjectivity of the subjective thoughts and the subjectivity of the subjective thoughts On the other hand, the main idea and guest
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【中图分类号】G625.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)10-0098-01  活动单导学模式在如皋教育大地上,遍地开花,美不胜收,其中最吸引我的就是在课堂这个大花园中,飞来飞去,忙忙碌碌的小蜜蜂们,他们的活泼,激情在课堂蔓延。那么,在活动单导学模式下,让学生动起来的基本内涵是什么呢?我认为应该是积极动脑筋去思维、主动动手去实践、动情感去体验。  一、积极动脑筋去思