Quantitative resistance against Bemisia tabaci in Solanum pennellii:Genetics and metabolomics

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dracula1103
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The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is a serious threat in tomato cultivation worldwide as all varieties grown today are highly susceptible to this devastating herbivorous insect.Many accessions of the tomato wild relative Solanum pennellii show a high resistance towards B. tabaci. A mapping approach was used to elucidate the genetic background of whiteflyresistance related traits and associated biochemical traits in this species. Minor quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for whitefly adult survival(AS) and oviposition rate(OR) were identified and some were confirmed in an F2BC1 population, where they showed increased percentages of explained variance(more than 30%). Bulked segregant analyses on pools of whiteflyresistant and-susceptible F2 plants enabled the identification of metabolites that correlate either with resistance or susceptibility. Genetic mapping of these metabolites showed that a large number of them co-localize with whiteflyresistance QTLs. Some of these whitefly-resistance QTLs are hotspots for metabolite QTLs. Although a large number of metabolite QTLs correlated to whitefly resistance or susceptibility, most of them are yet unknown compounds and further studies are needed to identify the metabolic pathways and genes involved. The results indicate a direct genetic correlation between biochemical-based resistance characteristics and reduced whitefly incidence in S. pennellii. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is a serious threat in B. tubaci. A mapping approach was used to elucidate the genetic background of whiteflyresistance related traits and associated biochemical traits in this species. Minor quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for whitefly adult survival (AS) and oviposition rate (OR) were identified and some were confirmed in an F2BC1 population, where they showed increased percentages of explained variance (more than 30%). Bulked segregant analyzes on pools of whiteflyresistant and-susceptible F2 plants enabled the identification of metabolites that correlate either with resistance or susceptibility. Genetic mapping of these metabolites showed that a large number of them co -localize with whiteflyresistance QTLs. Some of these whitefly-resistance QTLs are hotspots for metabolite QTLs. Although a large number of metabolite QTLs correlated to whitefly resistance or susceptibility, most of them are yet unknown compounds and further studies are needed to identify the metabolic pathways and genes involved. The results indicate a direct genetic correlation between biochemical- based resistance characteristics and reduced whitefly incidence in S. pennellii.
The red palm weevil(RPW; Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is spreading worldwide and severely harming many palm species. However, most studies on RPW focused on insec
【摘要】在传统的英语课堂教学中,教师主动地灌输,学生被动地接受,上课成了完成任务,学习成了一种使命,抹杀了学生的学习兴趣。本文阐述了怎样想方设法活跃中职英语课堂,让学生在丰富的英语课堂活动中对英语学习产生兴趣,增加学习积极性,变被动学习为主动学习。  【关键词】中职英语教学 活跃课堂 主动学习  【背景介绍】  走上中职英语教师的岗位已经有8年了,看着一年比一年差的生源状况,笔者在教学的过程中总感
【摘要】阅读是中学生提高英语能力,扩大知识面的重要途径。这既考查学生的词汇量,也要求学生有一定的阅读技巧,还要有一定的理解能力。因此提高中学生的英语阅读能力是帮助学生提高英语水平,培养语言交际能力的重要方式。  【关键词】中学生 英语阅读能力 提高  现行的高中英语新课程标准对学生阅读提出了要求。学生阅读的速度和质量分别是构成并且直接影响他们的阅读理解能力的两个主要因素。在实际阅读过程中,这两个因
【摘要】本文分析了高中和中职学生的特点,针对学生学习英语的情况做出分析总结,阐明了学生在进入高职院校学习的初期,教师如何能够更有效的帮助学生迈好英语学习的第一步。  【关键词】中职高职过渡 高职英语  一、生源分析  目前我国高等职业学院的生源主要有两个来源: 一是全日制普通高中生,这一类的学生在校时往往比较受老师青睐,纪律和自我约束性较好,认识的到学习的重要性。学习勤奋的学生人数比例更高一些。当
【摘要】伴随着13年12月份起的大学英语四级考试改革细则的出炉,大学英语四级考试又在经历着一次变化,本文着眼于改革后的四级新题型的介绍,并对新题型进行了分析,希望能对考生参加大学英语四级测试起到参考和帮助。  【关键词】大学英语 四级改革 新题型简析  2013年8月份,“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”发布消息:“从2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型将进行局部调
【摘要】本文中笔者从当今小学高年级英语阅读教学中的学生与教师的现状为出发点,以小学英语阅读教学的意义为根本宗旨,进而提出阅读教学的几点原则及策略,有效提升小学高年级英语教学的效果。  【关键词】阅读教学 现状 意义 原则 策略  一、小学高年级英语阅读教学的現状  1.学生的学习现状。  (1)学生对新知识的恐惧心理。步入高年级,教材深度明显加大,生词和句型难度增加,这给学生的阅读带来了阻力。  
【摘要】高职英语专业写作课程是一门培养学生英语应用能力和英文素养的必修课,在英语专业课程设置中起着举足轻重的作用。然而随着社会的发展,以教师讲解和命题写作为主要模式的传统教法已经无法达到激发学生兴趣的效果,教学内容与社会实际的脱离也无法满足培养学生应用能力的目标。本文就此现象,提出若干教改思路,以实现课堂的改革和学生实际能力的培养。  【关键词】传统教法 课程目标 教法改革 观念转变  高校英语专