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为探讨与食管癌放射治疗相关的死亡危险因素,并对患者放疗后的生存率进行预测,收集1980年1月~1990年12月在我院行放射治疗的食管癌患者863例,经5年以上随访,结合临床和食管钡餐片X线表现,列出16个与疗效有关的可能因素,采用国际通用的SAS和SPIDA软件,分别进行单因素和Cox模型多因素分析。单因素分析共8个因素有显著意义(P<0.05),其中4个因素经模型筛选有显著意义(α=0.05),它们按贡献大小依次排列为:疗后X线改变(X16),X线分型(X11),年龄(X1)和疗后进食(X14),得出的模型为h(t)=ho(t)·exp(0.010X1-0.151x11-0.181X14+0.164X16)。采用非参数法进行预测预后的研究,其数学模型为:S(ti)=[So(ti)]exp(βχ),式中So(ti)为一不连续的常数值,可由Cox模型求得。另外,应用生存率曲线图亦可对患者预后进行评估。由Cox分析可知,影响食管癌放疗预后的因素是多方面的,放疗对局部病灶的控制程度对预后影响更大。同时,计量预测患者生存率,为综合评估放疗疗效与预后提供了参考依据。 To investigate the risk factors associated with radiotherapy for esophageal cancer and to predict the survival rate after radiotherapy, 863 patients with esophageal cancer who underwent radiotherapy in our hospital between January 1980 and December 1990 were collected. The above follow-up, combined with X-ray findings of clinical and esophageal barium meal films, listed 16 possible factors related to efficacy, using the internationally-available SAS and SPIDA software to perform single factor and multivariate Cox model analysis, respectively. Univariate analysis of a total of 8 factors was significant (P <0.05), of which 4 factors were significantly screened by the model (α = 0.05), and they are arranged in order of contribution: X-ray changes after treatment ( X16), X-ray type (X11), age (X1) and post-treatment feeding (X14), the resulting model is h(t)=ho(t)·exp(0.010X1-0.151x11-0. 181X14+0.164X16). The non-parametric method for predicting the prognosis of the study, the mathematical model is: S (ti) = [So (ti)] exp (β χ), where So (ti) is a discontinuous constant value, can be obtained by the Cox model . In addition, the survival rate curve can also be used to assess the prognosis of patients. According to Cox analysis, there are many factors affecting the prognosis of esophageal cancer radiotherapy. The degree of control of local lesions by radiotherapy has a greater impact on the prognosis. At the same time, the prediction of the survival rate of patients provides a reference basis for comprehensive evaluation of radiotherapy efficacy and prognosis.
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为美化人民生活,保护身体健康,本刊开辟“皮肤保健医生”园地,聘请一些享有名望的皮肤科专家,就护肤养颜问题及化妆美容病患者进行义诊,欢迎读者来函求医。 In order to bea
云南孟定农场是一个有10000多人口、5000多职工、有30000多亩橡胶的中型企业。为解决人均资源占有量相对不足的矛盾 ,加快农场的发展 ,1994年农场利用地方政府出让“四荒”的优惠政策 ,向沧源县
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