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  Arriving for breakfast on a recent morning in Beijing, Wen Ma looks as self-assured as the glittering new buildings rising around her. Her eyes convey a kind of benign 1)ferocity, a flicker of 2)knowingness that’s 3)jarring in a 33-year-old. But then again, for all her youth, Ma is carrying an unlikely burden: the aspirations of 1.3 billion people.
  A Beijing-born, New York-seasoned artist, Ma is part of the seven-member creative team 4)masterminding China’s great coming out party—the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Leading her group is acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou. But, younger than her colleagues by a generation or so—and with an artist’s résumé that includes a video work—Ma is 5)emblematic of a newer, 6)edgier China. The opening ceremony will no doubt be a 7)G-rated affair, but when the Olympic torch finally arrives in Beijing, Ma wants to 8)smoke out your clichéd ideas about her country—and those of your 4 billion fellow viewers—right along with it. “We’re going to try to keep the ribbon dancing to a minimum,” she says. “Whatever we end up doing, the bottom line is to showcase the innovation of the Chinese people. Everyone wants to 9)project a very modern image—one that will stun the world.”
  China is not content to serve as factory to the globe. Call it economic foresight, or cultural pride, but despite the 10)stratospheric growth of its eco-nomy—10.7% in 2006—China knows that cheap labor alone can’t sustain the boom. While 11)a flurry of activity (and, yes, a government five-year plan) has stressed scientific and technological innovation, look a little closer and you’ll see that creativity in art and industry—in design, fashion, media, and the like—is fast becoming a driving national mission. You can sense it in the trendy restaurants and 12)slick 13)boutiques popping up in major cities—and in the 14)gritty ex-warehouse and factory districts where imagination-driven companies are joining the cafés and art galleries that first settled in. Newsstands are 15)brimming with 16)glossies such as [1]Vision, [2]Urban, and [3]Modern Weekly that, joined by online counterparts like [4]Coldtea, 17)feature international trends alongside promising local talents. China’s answers to [5]YouTube ([6]Tudou and [7]Yoqoo) and social-networking sites ([8]Douban)—along with an estimated 34 million blogs—are bringing in digital reinforcements on a national scale.
  Combine all of that with a counter 18)diaspora and reverse 19)brain drain of talent, and the overall result is a kind of 20)primordial soup thick with the building blocks of creative enterprise. Emerging from it is an army—small, but growing—that’s working to reinvent how China thinks and works. But does China have what it takes to become a creative superpower? At first glance, even the Chinese seem unsure. “We asked a thousand 15- to 35-year-olds in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou to rank the 20 or 25 words that best describe China,” says P.T. Black, an American-born partner of Jigsaw International, a Shanghai-based trend-forecasting firm that counts major multinationals as clients. And “‘creative’ placed close to last.”
  China’s overall population may be aging faster than almost any on earth, but its younger ge-nerations benefit from one creative 21)staple long denied their elders: a sense of possibility. “These are people who have seen nothing but growth,” Black says, “nothing but China getting the Olympics, Yao Ming going to the NBA, nothing but optimism.” And, for some, nothing but the 22)tantalizing proximity of a vast new affluence: By one count, the average age of China’s 400 richest people stands at 46.5, versus 65.7 in the United States—bringing a 25-year-old in China a full generation closer to the average 23)gazillionaire. “There’s a sense that creativity is where you make money,” Black continues. “People are getting rewarded for it, and that’s only going to inspire more.”
  If anyone could be called Great Leader in this new 24)countercultural revolution, it’s Ou Ning. Originally from the southern province of Guangdong
  but now based in Beijing, Ou, 37, is typical of the kind of 25)frenetic multitasker you’re liable to run into here these days: A writer, filmmaker, music promoter, and graphic designer, he has founded several 26)alternative magazines to boot. His latest project is Get It Louder, a 27)roving biennial exhibition of young creatives that’s 28)billed as the first of its kind in China—a road show for the country’s 29)grooviest generation that, this spring and summer, is having its second run in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. “In Chinese society, it’s always the old people who have power,” says Ou, who’s dressed in a pair of pea-green Nikes to complement his 30)austere eyewear and uniform of black. “We want to create a platform for young people to speak their own voice.” At the
  31)inaugural Get It Louder, the German 32)faucet maker 33)Grohe was so impressed by Shanghai architect Chen Xudong’s “Water Corridor” installation that the company asked him to come up with some new product concepts.
  The massive influx of foreign multinationals, and the growth of their Chinese competitors, has given local talents new chances to stretch and prove themselves at home. More significant, those talents are starting to find demand overseas. Last November, the People’s Daily proudly announced that China had become the world’s third-largest exporter of creative services and products. Granted, how creativity was defined—and how much of the country’s $969.1 billion in 2006 exports was “creative”—seems a bit unclear. Still, “the last 20 years have been about the West moving East,” says Philip Dodd, a consultant and BBC radio host whose London-based firm, Made in China, is helping Chinese cities develop their creative industries. “But the next 20 years will be about the East moving West.”
  “The young generation in China is unbelievably strong,” says Stefano Boeri, who, as editor of the Italian design bible [9]Domus, oversaw the launch of the magazine’s Chinese edition last year. Boeri is referring to China’s emerging architects, but his words 34)resonate more broadly: “They still need to 35)metabolize,” he continues, “but in a few years, they’ll produce something new. Of this I’m absolutely sure.”
  That’s it: time. China just needs time. Yet in a country where everything is happening at 36)warp speed, waiting around isn’t an option. And so, from the grassroots to the very top, young Chinese are ramping up. Just think of Wen Ma, as she spends her days and nights contemplating how to project an 37)ascendant China at the Olympics in 2008. “It’s a heavy burden—not only to show the world a new side of China, but the Chinese people are expecting a lot too,” she says. “Everyone, it seems, is ready for a renaissance of creativity.” They won’t have long to wait.




乐在其中 译    1961年4月12日,前苏联航天员加加林乘坐“东方-1”号宇宙飞船绕地球飞行1圈,历时108分钟,成为首位进入太空的人。   1965年3月18日,前苏联发射“上升-2”号飞船,航天员阿列克谢·列昂诺夫完成了人类的首次太空行走。   2007年4月16日,美国女宇航员苏尼·威廉斯在国际空间站的一台跑步机上同步参加波士顿马拉松赛,并以4小时23分46秒跑完全程,成为世界上第一个在
有这样一幅关于环保的公益漫画:一只木质的手的拇指、无名指和尾指被截去,剩下长着几片小叶的食指和中指摆出了“V”字型的胜利手势,旁白是“这不是胜利”!而今地球已伤痕累累,如何在寻求经济发展的同时保护好环境是每个地球人需要深思和时刻反省的问题。  1970年4月22日,由美国哈佛大学学生丹尼斯·海斯发起并组织的环境保护活动,全美共有2000多万人参加,约1万所中小学、2000所高等院校和各大团体参加了
My father-in-law Eddie was a mere 1)snippet of a man. Barely standing five feet tall and somewhat of a 2)recluse, he was a quiet man. He seldom left the house. He didn't attend any of his children's w
美国被称为“车轮上的国家”。与小型汽车风靡全欧洲大不相同,美国车素以不计油耗、追求宽敞舒适而著称,油耗颇高的多功能运动车(SUV)和皮卡在美国市场风光多年。美国汽车多的原因是许多美国家庭的居住点分散,工作、购物、娱乐场所等都离家甚远,因此需要开车出行。   然而最近,美国整体经济不景气,不断创新高的油价逼得美国人开始减少开车,更多使用公共交通工具。高油价促使人们改变出行方式。值得注意的是,美国有些
一颗耀眼的彗星,一个东方的传奇。当全世界的武术爱好者一遍遍念及他的时候,当一部部影视作品不断向他致敬的时候,李小龙,这个名字本身就是一部传奇。  2008年,央视斥资50000万元拍摄的40集电视剧《李小龙传奇》即将公映,我们将又一次在荧幕上领略他非凡的风采。当回顾作为一位中华武术传人的李小龙的一生时,我们将永远怀念他那热爱中华、振奋中华的龙的精神和渴望国家强盛的赤子之心。  ——小狐    小资
私生女玛丽雅姆的童年在十五岁生日时一去不复返:母亲自杀,定期探访的父亲也仿成陌路。她成为了喀布尔中年鞋匠拉希德的妻子,生活在动荡年代的家庭暴力阴影下。十八年后,战乱仍未平息,少女莱拉失去了父母与恋人,亦被迫嫁给拉希德……  关于不可宽恕的时代,不可能的友谊以及不可毁灭的爱,《灿烂千阳》再次以阿富汗战乱为背景,时空跨越三十年,用细腻感人的笔触描绘了阿富汗旧家族制度下苦苦挣扎的妇女,她们所怀抱的希望、
When our son discovered his first loose tooth, he was 2)perplexed about this event at first. It 3)wiggled back and forth; so was it a novelty? Something he could entertain himself with for hours 4)on
柴可夫斯基是俄罗斯最伟大的作曲家,其音乐真挚、热忱,注重对人的心理的细致刻画,并具有俄罗斯民族特有的风格,是古典音乐宝库中的珍品。本文不仅对这位伟大的音乐家进行了细致地描写,还对其作品进行了点评,值得读者仔细体会和学习。    认识柴可夫斯基    How is one to put into words those indeterminate feelings that engulf one d
I am a small-town girl, with a fear of traffic, crowds, and…, appear-ing naive. It's a good thing I married a guy from rural 1)Missouri!