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  When our son discovered his first loose tooth, he was 2)perplexed about this event at first. It 3)wiggled back and forth; so was it a novelty? Something he could entertain himself with for hours 4)on end?
  Apparently it was, he decided, and would wiggle his tooth with the enticing boast of “Look at what I can do!” After all, no one else in the household could wiggle a tooth, so, in his opinion, it was a talent deserving of every opportunity available for showing it off.
  All went well for the first day or two, but the more he wiggled the tooth, the looser it became. “Ow,” he howled when trying to take a bite of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Mean tooth,” he 5)pouted when asked what was the matter. “It hurt my sandwich!”
  The day came when the “mean” loose baby tooth finally reached the point where he could pull it out with his little fingers. “Look Mommy.” He came running into the living room holding up this little pearl-like item in his fingers. “My mouth has a hole now!”
  “It certainly does,” I chuckled as he opened his mouth to show all his teeth, minus the one in his little hand.
  He quickly informed us about having knowledge of someone known as the Tooth Fairy existing and that this Tooth Fairy would trade a tooth for some money. That night our son set his tooth out for the Tooth Fairy to locate. Unfortunately, the Tooth Fairy somehow forgot “she” was supposed to stop by for a visit as he, erm—I mean “she”, fell asleep instead.
  What does a parent do when a child peeks under their pillow and says, “Tooth Fairy didn’t leave me any money. And she didn’t take my tooth, too”? A parent cannot tell his or her child that someone as great and mystical as the Tooth Fairy just “forgot”. After all, according to 6)lore, the Tooth Fairy instinctively knew when and where in the world a tooth awaited
  her. Nor can you say that maybe the tooth wasn’t “good enough”.
  So my husband did the next best thing, he confessed. Yes—he admitted to forgetting that the Tooth Fairy called to let him know “she” was 7)low on funds so needed to go by the bank. “She” was extremely apologetic but would be coming that evening instead.
  This 8)placated the little boy. After all, Daddy periodically had to go by the bank to take out money, so it seemed 9)plausible other people, including one Tooth Fairy, would too.
  Game plan on the adult side of things went into action. My oldest daughter was recruited to show off a bit of her creativity in assisting the Tooth Fairy making up for disappointing one little boy. Our son also recognized my and my husband’s handwriting, so that helped provide another reason to 10)enlist her help. “Just make it short but sincere while mentioning about the bank,” I instructed her after locating two shiny 11)dimes that would later accompany the note that would take the place of a tooth hidden under a pillow thus complete the Tooth Fairy’s method of 12)bartering.
  The next morning I heard a gleeful sound as my son woke up, then raced out to the living room. “Look, Mommy, two whole dimes!”
  “13)Heck of a deal for one little tooth! Anything else?” I boldly 14)prodded.
  “A letter,” he beamed while holding up a piece of folded paper. “Just for me!”
  “Dear R.,” he read out loud for all of us. “I am very sorry I didn’t visit sooner. I was 15)broke and had to stop at the bank. I told your daddy. You have been taking good care of your teeth! Keep on brushing, The Tooth Fairy.”
  The two shiny dimes quickly became lost somewhere in the 16)confines of the couch within an hour of him waking and finding them under his pillow. He did not seem upset about their loss. However, whenever the letter, from someone known as the Tooth Fairy, was
  17)remotely suspected of being lost or accidentally thrown away, it was an entirely different story—even three months later after initially receiving the “letter”. br>  



  要是孩子瞥一眼枕头底下然后说:“‘牙齿仙女’没有给我留下钱,也没有拿走我的牙齿。” 家长该怎么做呢?家长可不能告诉孩子那是因为“忘记了”,像“牙齿仙女”那样伟大神秘的仙人怎么可以随便“忘记”呢。毕竟,按道理,“牙齿仙女”会本能地知晓世界上什么时候、什么地方有牙齿在等着她。你也不能说,也许是那颗牙齿“不够好”。
雪桐 译    Eugen David from 2)Rosia Montana, a 3)small-time farmer with a chipped tooth and muddy boots in this obscure wrinkle of 4)Transylvania, is an unlikely man to attract the attention of movie sta
远行的心 译    当读到妈妈们总喜欢念叨女儿们的“头发”时,我不禁笑了起来。真的,妈妈好喜欢念叨我的头发,还有我的衣着。也许就像作者说的那样,在这个世界上,女儿在某种程度上代表了妈妈,所以妈妈们总希望女儿们能像她们所希望的那样装扮和生活。  我知道妈妈很爱我,她喜欢别人说我和她长得很像,喜欢细看我的手指,说着,和妈妈年轻时的手指一模一样。呵呵,我是妈妈的影子。但她终于也理解了,她的想法代表了她所
薇雨 译    主题札记:  记得念初一那年看过一本号称“全世界最易读懂的哲学书”——《苏菲的世界》,挪威作家乔斯坦·贾德的著作,后来有段时间总会不自觉地想象自己站在宇宙中俯瞰地球,感叹一个一个的人其实多么渺小啊,可是人类又是那么充满智慧,在地球上盖了一栋栋房子,发展教育、时装,科技等产业。那时就有一个愿望——在还活着的时候到宇宙去看看,看看地球存在的那个空间,看看蓝色的地球——人类生活与繁衍的家
父亲赶马,犁地耕田,  鼓起双肩,犹如满帆撑悬,  航扬车辕、土垄之间。  喀哒喊声,驱马奋力向前。    行家里手,装好犁翼,  配上犁头,尖锐铮亮。  翻土层卷,整整齐齐。  器械那头,一拽绳缰。    汗马转向,回踏田地。  此时父亲轻眯一眼,  定角睨视前方土地,  精确测绘犁沟距间。    我随他靴印前行跌撞,  有时在犁平的泥地摔一把;  有时我会骑到他背上,  随他沉重的步伐浮沉上下
乐在其中 译    1961年4月12日,前苏联航天员加加林乘坐“东方-1”号宇宙飞船绕地球飞行1圈,历时108分钟,成为首位进入太空的人。   1965年3月18日,前苏联发射“上升-2”号飞船,航天员阿列克谢·列昂诺夫完成了人类的首次太空行走。   2007年4月16日,美国女宇航员苏尼·威廉斯在国际空间站的一台跑步机上同步参加波士顿马拉松赛,并以4小时23分46秒跑完全程,成为世界上第一个在
有这样一幅关于环保的公益漫画:一只木质的手的拇指、无名指和尾指被截去,剩下长着几片小叶的食指和中指摆出了“V”字型的胜利手势,旁白是“这不是胜利”!而今地球已伤痕累累,如何在寻求经济发展的同时保护好环境是每个地球人需要深思和时刻反省的问题。  1970年4月22日,由美国哈佛大学学生丹尼斯·海斯发起并组织的环境保护活动,全美共有2000多万人参加,约1万所中小学、2000所高等院校和各大团体参加了
My father-in-law Eddie was a mere 1)snippet of a man. Barely standing five feet tall and somewhat of a 2)recluse, he was a quiet man. He seldom left the house. He didn't attend any of his children's w
美国被称为“车轮上的国家”。与小型汽车风靡全欧洲大不相同,美国车素以不计油耗、追求宽敞舒适而著称,油耗颇高的多功能运动车(SUV)和皮卡在美国市场风光多年。美国汽车多的原因是许多美国家庭的居住点分散,工作、购物、娱乐场所等都离家甚远,因此需要开车出行。   然而最近,美国整体经济不景气,不断创新高的油价逼得美国人开始减少开车,更多使用公共交通工具。高油价促使人们改变出行方式。值得注意的是,美国有些
一颗耀眼的彗星,一个东方的传奇。当全世界的武术爱好者一遍遍念及他的时候,当一部部影视作品不断向他致敬的时候,李小龙,这个名字本身就是一部传奇。  2008年,央视斥资50000万元拍摄的40集电视剧《李小龙传奇》即将公映,我们将又一次在荧幕上领略他非凡的风采。当回顾作为一位中华武术传人的李小龙的一生时,我们将永远怀念他那热爱中华、振奋中华的龙的精神和渴望国家强盛的赤子之心。  ——小狐    小资
私生女玛丽雅姆的童年在十五岁生日时一去不复返:母亲自杀,定期探访的父亲也仿成陌路。她成为了喀布尔中年鞋匠拉希德的妻子,生活在动荡年代的家庭暴力阴影下。十八年后,战乱仍未平息,少女莱拉失去了父母与恋人,亦被迫嫁给拉希德……  关于不可宽恕的时代,不可能的友谊以及不可毁灭的爱,《灿烂千阳》再次以阿富汗战乱为背景,时空跨越三十年,用细腻感人的笔触描绘了阿富汗旧家族制度下苦苦挣扎的妇女,她们所怀抱的希望、