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  【关键字】《傲慢与偏见》  柯林斯  语言学  语境
  【Abstract】Pride and Prejudice gained so much popularity ever since it was published. Many scholars have analyzed it and complemented it. As a woman writer, Jane Austen described her quite country life and her point of view about marriage. Among all her characters, Collins draws a lot of attention; the writer’s great competence of writing was perfectly reflected in her building different contexts for him. In this essay, the theory of context, a brand new branch of linguistic, was applied to analyze how Jane built the characteristics under different contexts. In the mean time, the theory of context will be explained.
  【Key words】Pride and Prejudice; Collins; Linguistics; context
  【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)09-0028-02
  ChapterⅠ Literature review
  1.1 About Pride and prejudice
  Pride and Prejudice rocked the entire English literature world ever since it had been published. Being different from the trend of exaggerated and artificial romance back then, this novel won its popularity by the fresh, accurate setting of the bourgeoisie class’s actual living picture. Of course lots of professors did researches about it, for example the translation comparison, the feminism point view of this novel and the cultural background of this novel. All in all, this classic book draws the word’s attention through its accurate setting of that period, the precise structure of character, the peaceful yet never boring life and the humorous language.
  1.2 Linguistic study of Pride and Prejudice
  With the development of linguistic, the study of language, many scholars have adapted the science of linguistic to understand this masterpiece. For example, an article written by She Ting, master of North China Electric Power University, came up a new way of comprehending the image of character through linguistic theory such as Speech Act Theory, Cooperate Principle, and Conversational Implicature; Sun Zhongna, scholar of South?鄄Center University For Nationalities, who made a research about the gender difference in speaking, compared the two different ways of talking between women and men in this novel; an essay written by Li Yaxin, professor of PLA University of Foreign Language, analyzed the dialogues between characters by the means of pragmatics, which studies meaning in actual use.   ChapterⅡ What is context
  The context is generally defined as the circumstance in which language was produced. Normally it includes the circumstance that the conversation took place, but as the development of linguistics, many new elements are added in context.
  2.1The development of the theory of context
  The development of context can trace back to a long time ago, form Saussure, Malinowski, Firth and Halliday, the word “context” is now defined as “in order to make out the speaker’s meaning, the listener need possess basic linguistic knowledge: knowledge about language, about what was said before and perhaps what was said after. More importantly, one has to be equipped with extralinguistic knowledge: when and where the sentence was spoken; by whom it is spoken; what they have in mind in saying that; and what their relationship is etc…”. In short terms, context includes the background information (social factors, writer’s experience, and the environment), textual information (the language, the setting of the story, and the main theme of the book) and mutual knowledge ( the convention, and the custom ).
  2.2Context in literature
  Context theory belongs to the use of pragmatics, which means language in use. In a literature work, there is always implicature meaning. And implicature meaning has four characteristics (1) calculability, (2) cancellability, (3) non?鄄detachability, and (4) non?鄄conventionality.
  For literature translation
  Sometimes we can say that translation is the most successfully acquired kind of activity that changes one language to another based on fluency and accuracy. Literature translation is the combination of literature understanding and literature writing. Translation is definitely not the simple shift from one language to another, but of discovering the real intention of the writer; and therefore finds a proper way to express it into the target language. Without the guide of context, translation must stay close to the people who are not familiar with the original language. For example, when we were reading the legendary story of English knights, they always fight with dragons, which are the symbols of great power in our cultural. We may be confused for that, and thus this is when the translator must explain to the readers that dragons symbolize evil and dark in the western cultural in the context he was translating. Another case is the translation of color. Different colors mean very differently in two countries. In Pride and Prejudice, the talks of Mrs. Bennet is a very good example, she must be translated with a sense of feeling that she is a woman of little education and she is desperate to marry her daughters to a wealthy young man. That is why the translation of when Bingley first came to the town, “Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!” This sentence expressed her extremely optimistic feeling about Mr. Bingley. So when translating, this feeling must take into consideration. And it can be translated as “哦!亲爱的, 他是单身, 当然是单身!一位富有的单身男士,每年能有四五千磅的收入!这可是咱们女儿们的大喜讯呢。”   Chapter Ⅲ The application of context theory in Pride and Prejudice
  Jane Austen succeeds in making a great deal of lively characters. Among them all, the nephew of Mr. Bennet, Elizabeth’s cousin, Collins is my favorite. The first words came to my mind about him was snobbery and hypocrite. And Austen made a very successful context about it, he firstly stresses the attention he got from Lady Catherine whenever he has the chance from the first beginning letter he wrote the letter to the later conversations he made with the Bennets. “She had been graciously pleased to approve of both the discourses which he had already had the honor of preaching before her. She had also asked him twice to dine at Rosings,” “She had always spoken to him as she would to any other gentleman”. Even when he proposed to Elizabeth, he said: “My reasons for marrying are, first, that I think it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances—like myself—to set the example of matrimony in his parish. Secondly, that I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness; and thirdly—which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier—that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honor of calling patroness.” At first, all his praises towards Lady Catherine seem to give us a picture of nice and charming. But when we finally saw Lady Catherine, the Lady we read was certainly not very well mannered. From all we can see, she is not as elegant as what Collins describes. But whenever Collins talks about her, he must just think about her status and show off to the others. In this describing, we can sense the snobbery and hypocrite of Collins more.
  Another great context lies in his marriage. We all know that in this novel, Austen expressed her ideas that marriage should be built on true love and responsibility. But the marriage of Collins is just the opposite. He chose his wife randomly, from Jane to Elizabeth to Charlotte. This kind of context setting can help people grasp his personality more.
  All in all, we are aware of the fact that context is around us everyday. Although the theory of context is still perfecting itself, we still can equip us with the knowledge of context. In this globalizing world, we have access to keep in touch with more great literature works of all over the world. It is an important way to understand other country’s life style, custom, and beliefs; our cultural can be enriched in this way and gaining frame for all the good benefits. When the world is becoming a village, communication is necessary, thus talking in an accurate way is the key to success. So we all need the linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge to cooperate. A book is a condensation of the group’s common laws. Readings and context learning are each other’s helper. Reading more will teach you how to build a correct context or how to react properly in certain context; while knowing context will help you to understand the readings more. And reading with the guide of context can provide a new way of enjoying a classic.
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