Wavelet Neural Network for Handwritten Manchu Character Unit Recognition

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The Manchu character recognition method based on Manchu character unit is an efficient method.In this method,the recognition accuracy rate of Manchu character unit has great influence on the final recognition result.As new approach to solve this problem,a hybrid wavelet neural network scheme has been developed as an assistant method combine with the original combo-distance method.Due to the properties of the wavelet neural network,the training problem can be transformed into a convex optimization process,therefore the global minimum can be obtained and the learning speed is increases.Both the learning samples set and testing samples set are used,experimental results demonstrate the combine method based on the wavelet neural network is more efficient than the single combo-distance method. The Manchu character recognition method based on Manchu character unit is an efficient method. In this method, the recognition accuracy rate of Manchu character unit has great influence on the final recognition result. As new approach to solve this problem, a hybrid wavelet neural network scheme has been developed as an assistant method combine with the original combo-distance method. Due to the properties of the wavelet neural network, the training problem can be transformed into a convex optimization process, therefore the global minimum can be obtained and the learning speed is increases.Both the learning samples set and testing samples set are used, experimental results demonstrate the combine method based on the wavelet neural network is more efficient than the single combo-distance method.
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《语文课程标准》明确地指出:作文教学是使学生“能具体明确、文从字顺地表达自己的意思。能根据日常生活需要,运用常见的表达方式写作。”写作是语文教学的重要内容,培养学生具有一定写作能力是语文教学的主要目的之一。但作文难教也是许多语文教师的普遍感觉。作文难写也是学生经常发出的感慨。那么如何引导学生写好作文呢?    一、引导学生学会观察,积累素材    从低年级升到中年级学生一开始接触到写作文,就有点措
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摘要: 一、提高作文兴趣;二、加强观察能力培养;三、引导积累写作素材;四、指导写作方法;五、学会修改作文。  关键词: 提高兴趣 培养能力 积累素材 修改作文    目前小学作文教学还存在不少问题,学生作文内容空洞,言之无物,学生怕作文,老师叫头疼,这就是一些较为突出的问题。造成这些问题的原因,主要在小学作文教学过程中存在重模仿、轻创作、重数量、轻质量。小学生作文时常常会感到:开头难、结尾难、过渡