【总体阅读思考】 1、这篇介绍海洋知识的说明文,立意深、构思巧、写法活,仔细阅读课文,说说作者是怎样做到这一点的? 2.说明的序列有时间式、空间式、程序式、并列式、推进式、总分式等,仔细阅读课文,你认为本文采用的是哪种说明序列?为什么? 3、木文采用了解释、举例、数字、对比、引用等说明方法,仔细阅读课文,你认为哪几种是主要的?在使用这几种说明方法时有什么特点?结合课文举例说明。 4、本文既有丰富的知识性,又有深刻的思想性,使人读后耳目一新,深受启迪。写一篇500字以内的读后感,谈谈你读后的感受。【阅读入门指津】 1、为什么说这篇说明文的主要特点是立意深、构思巧、写法活?作者是如何做到这一点的?只要我们认真仔细地阅读课文,理清文章的思路,
[Overall Reading Thinking] 1. This article describes the marine knowledge of the text, deep meaning, ideas, skill, writing habits, carefully read the text, talk about how the author does it? 2. Description of the sequence of time, space type , procedural, side-by-side, push-type, total score, etc., carefully read the text, what do you think this article uses is a description of the sequence? Why? 3, the use of explanations, examples, numbers, comparisons, citations, etc. , Read the text carefully, what do you think are the main ones? What are the characteristics when using these kinds of explanation methods? 4. This article is both informative and profoundly ideological, which makes people refreshed after reading and deeply inspired. Write a postscript reading within 500 words and talk about your feelings after reading. 【Reading Tips】 This article explains why the main features of this essay are deep meaning, philosophizing, and writing skills. How does the author do this? As long as we carefully read the text and clarify the thoughts of the article,