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要做好学生的思想工作,首先要掌握学生的思想状态,尤其是差生的思想状态和心理特点。要他们接受老师的观点、思想,首先必须让他们对老师有信任感和安全感。有时同一个道理,同一句话,分别由不同的人讲出,效果却大不一样,其原因就在于此。因此,学生对老师是否有安全感、信任感,是关键的问题。 如何让学生对老师产生信任感、安全感呢?理解是至关重要的,这就是沟通师生之间的思想,最大可能地缩短思想差距。以前我们比较多地强调老师对学生的了解,要求老师了解学生的个性、生活习性、爱好、学习情况、家庭情况,认为这样老师的思想教育就能有的放矢,可以获得事半功倍的效果。 但我们常常忽视了一个关键的对象,一个关键的问题,那就是学生,就是学生对老师的理解。学生对老师的理解是被动的,因为师生的关系决定了学生不可能有主动了解老师的机会。这就要求老师主动让学生了解自己,把自己的思 To do a good job of students’ ideological work, we must first master the students’ state of mind, especially the poor students’ state of mind and psychological characteristics. To allow them to accept the teacher’s views and ideas, they must first give them a sense of trust and security. Sometimes the same reason, in the same sentence, is spoken by different people, but the effect is quite different. The reason is that this is the reason. Therefore, whether students have a sense of security and trust in teachers is a key issue. How to make students feel trust and security to their teachers? Understanding is crucial. It is the communication between teachers and students that minimizes the gap between ideas. In the past, we emphasized more about teachers’ understanding of students and asked them to understand the students’ personalities, living habits, hobbies, learning situations, and family circumstances. We believe that teachers’ ideological education can be targeted to achieve a multiplier effect. But we often overlook a key object, a key issue, that is, students, is the student’s understanding of the teacher. Students’ understanding of the teacher is passive, because the relationship between teachers and students determines that students cannot have the opportunity to actively understand the teacher. This requires the teacher to take the initiative to let students understand themselves and think for themselves.
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有人说,没有比指出别人缺点更高兴的事。这不,就是名人奇才有时也不能免俗。  苏东坡被称为旷世奇才,学问深不可测。一天,当他看到宰相王安石写的《咏菊》诗,其中有一句:“西风昨夜过园林,吹落黄花遍地金。”他心生质疑,认为菊花耐寒抗霜,哪能一起风就被吹落一地呢?就自作主张改成:“秋花不比春花落,说与诗人仔细吟。”当时还悠然自得,直至那一回,他在某地赏菊,一阵风起,菊花便片片飘落,洋洋洒洒,遍地金黄,果然