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  The fall season of anime is about to start. And while there are some good sequels[续集] and promising new series coming
  up, it is the familiar faces from Mobile Suit
  Gundam 00 that brings up some sort of hope for a good season.
  Back in 2009, a theatrical production was announced at the end of the second season of Gundam 00, and the Japanese premiere[首映] of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer would be on September 18th, 2010. In a recent interview, the director of the movie, Seiji Mizushima, said that he was impressed with the new Star Trek movie and attempted to capture that sensation[轰动] in his own work.
  The story of the movie takes place two years after the conclusion of the TV series. The events of AD 2312 have jump-started[推助起动] innovation[革新] in humanity, and the Federation has begun to exploit the power of Innovators. However, a new enemy named Descartes Shaman emerges, and Celestial Being has to return once more to quell[镇压,扑灭] the threat…
  Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the first Gundam series to be animated in widescreen and in high-definition[精度],
  as well as the first to be set in the non-fictional AD era. Although the fact that it begins as a jumble[混乱] of plots strung together with no apparent[明显的] direction has been largely criticized, the development eventually
  falls onto the right track after the anime reaches its turning point. Since then, its “sheer momentum[动力,势头]
  is breathtaking,” says a critic. “The catastrophic[悲惨的]
  fates in store for its cast make for compelling[引人注目的] viewing.”
  More often than not, a series begins really well only to come to a lousy[很糟的] halt[中断] so revolting[令人厌恶的]
  that you wish you had never witnessed its demise[死亡].
  Every once in a while, however, there comes an anime
  which has the opposite effect: it starts off as a
  stillbirth[死胎], only to come to life when you least expect it. Gundam 00 is a perfect example of the latter case. Frankly speaking, the best thing about the series is that there’s always more to come, so let’s hope that its
  big-screen finale[结局] will turn out to be, as some fan sites put it, “everything Gundam should be – huge cast, lots of politics and big battles.”
I am unwritten  Can’t read my mind  I’m undefined  I’m just beginning  The pen’s in my hand   Ending unplanned     *Staring at the blank page before you  Open up the dirty window  Let the sun illumina
She smiled at the sorrowful[悲伤的] stranger.   The smiling seemed to make him feel better.     He remembered past kindnesses of a friend   And wrote him a thank you letter.     The friend was so pleased
失而复得是幸福,有时也是奢望。得而将失呢?它可以是悲痛,也可以是新的开始。如果一个月后你将永远失聪,你会怎样度过这宝贵的30天?为大家献上一个感人的故事,希望大家即使面对困境,也不要放弃希望,正如歌词所说:“假如你认为你不曾得到胜利,你就很难改变失败的方式……”    Now to the inspiring story of a young woman faced with a difficul
80后和90后这两代人无疑是幸福的。我们没有经历过动荡,生活日渐富裕,被父母捧在手心,接受良好的教育,有电玩、能上网,所得到的一切都是精挑细选的……身边却有不少人总埋怨生活太沉闷、要求无法得到满足……是时候停止这些过分的抱怨了。想象一下可怜的童工们,难道我们的生活对于他们来说不是一种奢望吗?    Every week more children arrive to work in the hun
I grew up with my aunt Tove Jansson’s fantastic books about 1)imaginary creatures who live in Moominvalley. Though entirely fictional, the Moomins are blessed with some of the best and most exciting h
两年多以前,一部《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》横空出世,让观众认识了与《魔戒》齐名的“纳尼亚传奇”系列。现在,第二集《凯斯宾王子》再度出击。想多了解这部魔幻大片?一起听听剧组人员亲自介绍。  Director: Andrew Adamson  Release Date: 16 May, 2008 (USA)  Cast:  Tilda Swinton…White Witch   Ben Bar
*I remember years ago  Someone told me I should take  Caution when it comes to love  I did*  I did    And you were strong and I was not  My illusion[幻想], my mistake  I was careless, I forgot  I did   
也许你知道伦敦塔藏有无数文物珍宝,保存着英国历代王冠和王室珠宝;也许你听说过这里是全英国闹鬼传闻最多的地方,但你知道个中原因吗?这里曾经被用作监狱,无数皇亲国戚命丧于此。伦敦塔里到底藏着怎样的史实和谜题?住在这样一个地方又是怎样的感觉?想知道答案,伦敦塔守卫将为你一一道来。    The gray bricks of the Tower of London are 1)damp to my tou
CE: Teens早在今年的3月号就详细介绍了《霍顿与无名氏》(又译《霍顿奇遇记》),但今年的大片出碟速度都很慢,直到最近Wendy才找到这部动画片的高音质版本,不过刚好与本期的主题不谋而合,真可谓“来得早不如来得巧”,咔咔。  今年的万圣节过得开心吗?在众多越来越商业化、形式化的大众节日里,为什么只有万圣节仍然保留着那份原始的诡谲?是不是因为大多数人仍然保留着那份对未知的好奇?尽管科学的进步和平
If you think board games are boring, think again.   On a recent evening, fans of board games   gathered in Cincinnati to play together. Every night is game night at YottaQuest, a family-owned store. F