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  I grew up with my aunt Tove Jansson’s fantastic books about 1)imaginary creatures who live in Moominvalley. Though entirely fictional, the Moomins are blessed with some of the best and most exciting human qualities that make them still 2)lovable to kids around the world these days.
  Tove was born into a family of artists in Helsinki.
  She was the first child of the 3)sculptor Viktor Jansson and his wife Signe Hammarsten Jansson, an 4)illustrator. It seemed 5)inevitable that she should pursue some sort of artistic career. School was difficult for her because her teachers did not have a lot of 6)sympathy for her artistic 7)inclinations. At the age of 15, encouraged by her parents, Tove left to 8)enroll at the School of Applied Arts in Stockholm.
  Later in her life, Tove was often asked why she started writing and what specifically gave birth to the Moomin stories.
  She explained that painting helped her forget the conditions of the 1940s, so she
  illustrated an exciting, funny adventure story with a happy ending. This once-upon-a-time story was about a little Moomin and his mother, wandering through the woods looking for Moominpappa who was lost. After many adventures, the three are reunited in an 9)idyllic valley, where Moominpappa has built them a house.
  The earliest idea for the Moomin characters came from the stories an uncle told Tove during her student years in Stockholm. Later she used a figure, slightly 10)hippo-like in appearance, as the signature for her cartoons. That later became the figures we recognize as the Moomins of today.
  Tove’s most beloved 11)refuge was her house on a 12)remote island off the coast of southern Finland. In fact, she spent almost every summer of her life in the countryside near the sea, or on an island out at sea. My aunt once said, “Had it not been for my very happy childhood, I might never have started writing. If, 13)on the whole, I never wrote entirely for children at all – maybe it was just for myself, to find a way back to the lost world of adventures with happy endings, to the confidence, the constant curiosity and the 14)boundless possibilities, never questioned...a way back to the endless summers in the 15)archipelago of the Gulf of Finland.”



  时, 托芙在父母的鼓励下退学,前往斯德哥尔摩应用艺术学院就读。
  A Trip to Moominvalley
  If you are travelling with a kid (even if it’s just the kid inside you), Moominvalley is the place for you.
  Moominvalley, Tampere is a museum that outlines the history of the famous Moomins. There are original drawings by Tove Jansson as well as multimedia[多媒体]
  presentations[展示], including an interview with the author
  herself. But the highlight is the models depicting[描绘]
  scenes from Moomin’s adventures, among them a beautiful and detailed miniature[袖珍模型] Moomin House. And yes, naturally, there is a gift shop! So if you ever have a chance to travel in Finland, don’t miss all these wonders!
  Know More
  l 无论被别人怎样批评也不会改变自己的生活方式
  l 姆明谷内谁都是全心全意地对待自己
  The Moomin Series
  The Moomins and the Great Flood (1945)
  Comet in Moominland (1946)
  Finn Family Moomintroll (1948)
  The Exploits of Moominpappa (1950)
  Moominsummer Madness (1954)
  Moominland Midwinter (1957)
  Tales from Moominvalley (1962)
  Moominpappa at Sea (1965)
  Moominvalley in November (1970)
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去年“哈利·波特”系列的最后一本书面市时哈迷当然疯狂了一把,可是那之后的空虚似乎无法填补。幸好号称“继《哈利·波特》后最受欧美青少年欢迎的畅销小说”—“暮光之城”系列出现了!美国女作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔笔下扣人心弦的“暮光之城”系列(The Twilight Saga)讲述了中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华之间的浪漫爱情故事。本期“美文共享”特别为大家带来该系列的第一本—《暮色》的节选。Enjoy
他的难懂之处在于其超现实。  他的美妙之处也在于其超现实。  他的《挪威的森林》与《麦田里的守望者》平行并进,守护着一代又一代的年轻心灵—  他是村上春树,游走于另类与大众、幻象与现实之间的村上春树。    学习小提示:很难得找到这么棒的原声材料—语音清晰,节奏分明,尤其是旁白和小说选段的抑扬顿挫极富感情,而且背景音乐非常好听。文章本身也写得很有味道,除了适合精听精读,两个小说选段更是优秀的诵读素
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失而复得是幸福,有时也是奢望。得而将失呢?它可以是悲痛,也可以是新的开始。如果一个月后你将永远失聪,你会怎样度过这宝贵的30天?为大家献上一个感人的故事,希望大家即使面对困境,也不要放弃希望,正如歌词所说:“假如你认为你不曾得到胜利,你就很难改变失败的方式……”    Now to the inspiring story of a young woman faced with a difficul
80后和90后这两代人无疑是幸福的。我们没有经历过动荡,生活日渐富裕,被父母捧在手心,接受良好的教育,有电玩、能上网,所得到的一切都是精挑细选的……身边却有不少人总埋怨生活太沉闷、要求无法得到满足……是时候停止这些过分的抱怨了。想象一下可怜的童工们,难道我们的生活对于他们来说不是一种奢望吗?    Every week more children arrive to work in the hun