REE geochemical characteristics of the No. 302 uranium deposit in northern Guangdong, South China

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zx1112220
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The No. 302 uranium deposit, located in Guangdong Province, is a typical granite-type uranium ore deposit. REE geochemical characteristics of the wall rocks, pitchblende, altered rocks, calcite and fluorite from this deposit have been systematically studied in this paper. The result showed that the alkali-metasomatic granites and other altered rocks have the same REE distribution patterns as Indosinian granites. It is indicated that the hydrothermal ore-forming solution had altered the Indosinian granites, and ore-forming materials may directly originate from the Indosinian granites. Calcite and fluorite of different stages are the products derived from the same source but different stages. The evolution and degassing of the mineralizing solution might induce LREE enrichment to varying degree. Mantle fluid and a large volume of mineralizer may be the crucial factors controlling uranium mineralization, and the hydrothermal solution with mineralizer played an important role in U transport and concentration. Meanwhile, the degassing of CO2 might promote U and REE precipitation. The No. 302 uranium deposit, located in Guangdong Province, is a typical granite-type uranium ore deposit. REE geochemical characteristics of the wall rocks, pitchblende, altered rocks, calcite and fluorite from this deposit have been systematically studied in this paper. The result showed that the alkali-metasomatic granites and other altered rocks have the same REE distribution patterns as Indosinian granites. It is indicated that the hydrothermal ore-forming solution had altered the Indosinian granites, and ore-forming materials may directly originate from the Indosinian granites . Calcite and fluorite of different stages are the products derived from the same source but different stages. The evolution and degassing of the mineralizing solution might induce LREE enrichment to varying degree. Mantle fluid and a large volume of mineralizer may be the crucial factors controlling uranium mineralization, and the hydrothermal solution with mineralizer played an important role in U transpor t and concentration. Meanwhile, the degassing of CO2 might promote U and REE precipitation.
【摘要】“医用诊断X线机房的防护”是中职医学影像技术专业《医学影像物理与防护》中的教学内容。但由于其内容重要且繁杂,怎样使学生学习后牢固掌握理论与实践知识,一直是笔者认真思考的问题。本文从中职医学影像技术专业课程——《医学影像物理与防护》中的“医用诊断x线机房的防护”教学内容的组织与优化入手,对其作了教改前后的对比与探讨。  【关键词】放射防护 教改 方法  【中图分类号】G712 【文献标识码】
一个朋友曾经谈过自己对公关行业的看法,那就是3年入门,8年入道。入道之后是什么,朋友没有讲。按照禅道的理论来说就是入化、入定,有人说30年入化,50年入定,可见是一种很难达到的境界。按照自己这些年的工作经历来算,兢兢业业,倒是基本符合朋友的说法,自己也算是个入了道的公关人。    入门:先尽人事后由天    比尔·盖茨说:“在你最感兴趣的事物上,隐藏着你人生的秘密”。又说:“知道自己究竟想做什么、
[摘 要] 通过对行为引导式教学法的特征进行分析,结合在《特种加工》课程教学过程中遇到的实际问题,找到了能够充分调动学生学习积极性、让学生将脑、心、手同时用于学习、提高学生实践能力、团队合作能力及分析问题、解决问题能力的有效方法,指出了该教学方法的具体应用方式及应用过程中需要注意的问题。  [关 键 词] 特种加工;行为引导式教学法;项目教学  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章
[摘 要] 针对高职学生的生源多样性、学习需求差异化的特点,以浙江农业商贸职业学院《汽车检测与诊断》课程为例,以人才培养目标为依据,构建分层教学与课程建设相融合的教学模式。  [关 键 词] 需求差异化;汽车检测与诊断;课程建设  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)01-0063-01  随着高职教育体系的发展,常规的人才培养体系已不能满足新