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动手制作能力是小学自然教学中能力培养的必不可少的重要内容之一。下面根据教学实践谈谈低年级制作能力培养之我见。一、注重知识教学与制作能力培养的有机结合知识和动手制作二者是紧密联系,互相促进的。例如,《三册》教学力的知识,以三课《不倒翁》为教学内容,向学生渗透重心高低,支撑面大小与物体稳定程度的关系。紧接着四课安排学生动手《做个不倒翁》。所以教材的特点是按“学习知识→激发兴趣→培养能力”三部曲进行的。我在教学这两课时十分注意知识与能力的有机结合,让学生玩不倒翁时就有意识地明确不倒翁不倒的道理最重要的是要“上轻下重”,下边形状要呈半球形,并让学生正确地说出一些生活中常见的具有不倒翁道理的物体。这样就 Hands-on production ability is one of the most important and indispensable contents of ability cultivation in primary school nature teaching. The following based on teaching practice to talk about the ability of junior production ability of my opinion. First, pay attention to the cultivation of knowledge teaching and production capacity of the organic combination of knowledge and hands-on production of the two are closely linked and promote each other. For example, the knowledge of “three volumes” of teaching ability, three classes of “tumbler” as the teaching content, to infiltrate the center of gravity of students, support surface size and object stability. Followed by four classes arranged for students to “be a tumbler.” Therefore, the teaching material is characterized by the trilogy of “learning knowledge → stimulating interest → cultivating ability”. When I was teaching these two classes, I paid great attention to the organic combination of knowledge and ability so that when the students play tumbler, they consciously and clearly understand the truth that tumbler should not fall down. The most important thing is to “light and weight down”, the shape below should be hemispherical and let Students correctly say something common in life with tumbler truth. That's it
苏在培养学生自我教育的能力上下功夫哈尔滨市师范学校王培新霍姆林斯基认为 ,真正的教育是促进自我教育的教育 ,只有学会自我教育的人 ,才可成为真正的人。因此 ,学校德育工
例4 男性,32岁,农民。全身皮肤扁平样疣赘28年。面、颈、躯干、四肢(尤其是肢端)有密集扁平疣样疣赘,互相融合,呈斑块状(封三图7)。组织病理学:表皮角化过度,棘层和颗粒层增