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运用激励的方法,正确处理激励方式与人们心理变化活动规律的关系,保证激励的有效作用,是做好施工过程中思想政治工作的一种有效方法。依据人们在施工过程中心理变化的规律,我们感到,要运用好以下激励方法:一、生产任务发动动员时,运用好目标激励目标,是指我们所开展的工作或事业予期要达到的结果,目标在整个过程中都具有激励作用。当一个阶段性目标完成之后,新的更高的目标又给人们以新的激励。总体目标完成之后,面对各种困难所取得的成绩,人们会有一种成功感。目标激励是我们在施工过程中贯彻始终的方法。特别在一项任务的初始阶段,需要侧重运用的就是目标激励。我们油田建设施工有些突出的特点:一是工期正点率要高,施工质量标准严;二是施工条件艰苦,常年野外 The use of incentive methods to properly handle the relationship between incentives and people’s psychological changes in the activities of the law to ensure the effective role of incentives is to do a good job in the construction process of ideological and political work an effective method. According to the law of people’s psychological changes in the construction process, we feel that we must use the following incentive methods: First, when the production task starts mobilization, the use of good target incentive targets refers to the results we expect to achieve in the work or business we are going to achieve. The goal has an incentive throughout the entire process. When a phased goal is completed, the new higher goal gives people new incentives. After the overall goal is completed, people will have a sense of success in the face of difficulties. Target incentives are our method of implementation throughout the construction process. Especially in the initial stage of a task, it is the target incentive that needs to be focused on. Our oilfield construction has some outstanding features: First, the punctuality rate of the construction period is high, and the construction quality standards are strict; Second, the construction conditions are arduous and year-round wild.
本文通过对邢台矿务局东庞煤矿物资供应工作的实际调查,在水泥货源组织及供应管理中应用了VE原理,经现场认定,结论客观,具有一定的应用价值。 In this paper, through the a
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沈阳,是我国“一五”期间国家重 点投资建设的老工业基地。全市共有大中型企业976家,占全省总数的3.8%,而工业总产值却占67%,利税占了77%,出口创汇占60%。但是随着社会的发展,这