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  根据上述素材,写一篇以Hot Pools At Changbaishan为题的短文。
  长白山风景区概述部分作为“背景”放在第一段,不宜多写;短文标题决定了“Hot Pools”是重点,根据表格内的文字提示,温泉的形成原因、概况、作用应是文章的主体。
  Hot Pools At Changbaishan
  Located in the northeastern part of China, Changbaishan, which is described as a wonderland where varieties of animals and plants live, is the largest nature reserve in China. Not only can we visit the beautiful Tianchi and sixteen mountain peaks surrounding it, but we can relax ourselves in the springs as well.
  The hot spring is heated by underground hot water and hot rocks. In one thousand square meters lie thirteen hot springs, some of which reach a temperature of 60 degrees. While the springs of lower temperature are suitable for people to have a bath.
  As is widely acknowledged, having a hot spring bath makes us relaxed us after hard work or study and contributes to our health. When bathing in the spring, we may also enjoy such delicious food as the eggs boiled in the hot spring.
  There is no doubt that you will have a lot of fun to visit Changbaishan hot pools!
  1. 全文层次分明,过渡自然,详略得当,发挥适度,语言流畅,亮点频出;时态使用恰当,描述泡温泉的“感受”时使用第一人称,让读者有亲切感,体现了长白山温泉的吸引力。
  2. Not only can we visit the beautiful Tianchi and sixteen mountain peaks surrounding it, but we can relax ourselves in the springs as well.此句中surrounding it(现在分词短语作定语),can we visit(倒装句型)及短语as well的使用展示出较好的语言功底,并列连词词组not only ... but (also) 的使用体现出作者对长句有效把握的能力。
  3. In one thousand square meters lie thirteen hot springs, some of which reach a temperature of 60 degrees.句中使用了倒装句型,避免了句子“头重脚轻”,动词lie的应用体现出“温泉的自然存在”,some of which(定语从句)更是一大亮点。
  4. As is widely acknowledged(定语从句), There is no doubt that(同位语从句)等句型的使用非常到位、贴切,既丰富、活跃了全文的句型,又让人觉得“不能不相信泡温泉的好处与乐趣”,进一步强化了“温泉的吸引力”,使文章以亮点结束。
  1. Located in the northeastern part of China, Changbaishan, which is described as a wonderland where varieties of animals and plants live, is the largest nature reserve in China. 句中which is(定语从句)的使用不太自然,而且和where引导的定语从句有些重复,最好改为Located in the northeastern part of China, Changbaishan, is the largest nature reserve in China where live varieties of animals and plants.减去一个定语从句,且加上倒装,显得更简约、自然。   2. 段落过多,最后一段是“泡温泉好处”的“总结和升华”,与上一段合并成一段较好。
  Hot Pools at Changbaishan
  Changbaishan is the largest Nature Reserve in China. The sixteen mountain peaks contrast finely with the blue sky. In the Nature Reserve live a large variety of animals and plants. How beautiful the place is! But what appeals to people most are the hot pools in Changbaishan.
  The beautiful pools do attract many tourists all over the world. But how did the pool come into being? They are heated by underground hot water and hot rocks. The area of 1000㎡ contains 13 hot springs. Some of them has a temperature of over 60℃. Some lower ones are suitable for people to bathe in. People can relax themselves while taking a hot spring bath and it is good for their health. What’s more, it is perfect for you to enjoy “hot spring food”, such as eggs boiled in the hot spring.
  What fun it is to visit the hot pools. Are there any reasons for us to miss them? Of course not.
  1. 全文安排合理,详略得当,语言较流畅,时态使用处理,过渡自然。
  2. In the Nature Reserve live a large variety of animals and plants. 该倒装句用得很好,variety一词体现出景区动植物种类繁多。
  3. But what appeals to people most is the hot pools in Changbaishan.句中what从句(主语从句)、短语appeals to应用得恰到好处,连词But的使用不仅表示转折,更多的是通过转折对比来展现the hot pools的吸引力,整句起到过渡句“承上启下”的作用。
  4. The beautiful pools do attract many tourists all over the world.此句和上段末句形成呼应,助动词do的使用起到强化全文主题的作用。
  5. 文中先后使用了两个自问自答式句子:But how did the pool come into being? They are heated by underground hot water and hot rocks.和Are there any reasons for us to miss them? Of course not.不失为一种特色。
  1. 全文以简单句为主,并列句、复合句极少,句型较单一,虽然文中没有什么语言错误,但是读起来仍有“平淡无味”之感,自然难以得到高分。把前两句Changbaishan is the largest Nature Reserve in China. The sixteen mountain peaks contrast finely with the blue sky.改为Changbaishan is the largest Nature Reserve in China with sixteen mountain peaks contrasting finely with the blue sky.这样效果和展示的语言功底明显不一样,自然可起到“活跃文句、增加亮点、提高得分”的功效。
  2. 描述泡温泉的“感受”时使用第三人称(如they、people等),读起来缺乏“亲临其境”之感,缺乏感染力,不能较好地体现出长白山温泉的吸引力。
  Hot Fools at Changbaishan
  Changbaishan, China’s biggest nature reserve is home to a great diversity of plants and animals. Besides enjoying the beautiful sight of of Tianchi and sixteen mountain peaks surrounding it, you can also relax in the nearby hot springs.
  There are 13 pools in an area of 1,000 square meters, which are heated by hot water out of the ground, or heated by boiling rocks in the ground. Some pools are very hot (over 60℃). If you are hungry, put an egg into the water, and you will have a delicious egg after a few minutes. But others are very pleasant for bathing. You can choose one you like best.
  Staying in the pools can not only help you refresh yourself but also be good for health. It’s a great enjoyment to bathe in hot springs admiring the beautiful scenery.
选择题是历史高考和各种测试中最基本的题型,其优势在于命题灵活,信息量大和技巧性强。要解答好选择题,关键是找到其突破口——“题眼”。  虽然对“题眼”的解释见仁见智,但大都含有“试题主要落脚点”或“解题的关键词”之意。从同学们解题的角度看,“题眼”是指题目的要害,是解题的关键信息、首要条件。因此,解题过程中最关键的思维环节,即可称为寻找和破解“题眼”的过程。  在新课程高考下,选择题的题干多采用材料
佳作示例  根据以下材料,写一篇不少于800字的文章。角度自选;立意自定;题目自拟;除诗歌外,文体自选。  娘想儿,流水长;儿想娘,扁担长。  ——俗语  点拨  本次作文材料采用的是一则短小而隽永的谚语。谚语借助比喻和对比,感叹母爱的长阔高深,并揭示儿爱母亲与母亲爱儿的不对等。“母爱”“孝心”和“回报”,可以说是准确理解和把握这则材料的三个关键词。命题用意显然在于引导同学们回顾传统,省视生活,感
追求是一种珍品。彩虹将对色彩的追求视为珍品,于是在雨过天晴之时,它努力地绽放自己的七色之光;流星将对光亮的追求视为珍品,于是在滑落天际之时,它奋力地摩擦出夺目的光彩;河蚌将对完美的追求视为珍品,于是在吞下砂砾之后,它努力地孕育着圆润的珍珠;海燕将对勇气的追求视为珍品,于是在风雨来临之际,它奋力地高唱勇气的赞歌。  “粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留清白在人间”。于谦将对正直的追求视为珍品。在国家危急的关键时刻
1983年6月,魏永康出生于湖南省华容县,因为母亲曾学梅从小的悉心教育,从两岁起,魏永康就被人称为“神童”。  2000年5月,17岁的魏永康以总分第二的成绩考进中国科学院高能物理所,成为硕博连读研究生。曾学梅并没有感到会有什么问题。她觉得“儿子那么聪明,很快就能学会的”。  但事与愿违,脱离了母亲的照顾后,魏永康“失控”了。他完全无法安排自己的学习和生活:热了不知道脱衣服,大冬天不知道加衣服,穿
古音,是文化中,一抹动人的特色。  深情,是文化中,一种特别的精神。  只忆,师旷瞎眼抚琴,情之哀哀;孔子在齐闻韶,不知肉味;虞姬泪眼放歌,魂依霸王;相如手抚琴弦,诉说真情;昭君出塞,琴息号角。往昔音中蕴深情。  他,只有一袭衣,一把琴。她,有着锦衣饰,华阁宇。  他,动人琴声自由放狂。她,喜爱诗经追求阳光。  琴音绕梁,一曲凤求凰。泪眼神伤,独自忆情郎。  司马相如,卓文君。两袖清风的寒士,锦衣
“晋无文章,惟陶渊明《归去来兮辞》一篇而已。”这是北宋欧阳修对《归去来兮辞》的高度评价。《归去来兮辞》有何独到之处,竟让欧阳公如此折服?  首先,它的语言表达虽平淡自然,却清远潇洒,如诗如画。文章第二、三段中,描写归田的生活乐趣充分体现了这一点。“云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还”,云气自然而然地从山洞漂浮而出,倦飞的鸟儿也开始归巢。这是一幅远景图,视野开阔,我们甚至能感受到黄昏时分,一位满含微笑的闲人
假如我是晋武帝司马炎,那么,亡蜀降臣李密的《陈情表》就是写给朕的“请辞”奏章。向朕“陈情”“请辞”,活腻了吗?  公元263年,朕的父亲司马昭帮着曹魏灭蜀;公元265年,朕废掉魏元帝曹奂,即皇帝位,改国号为晋。为笼络西蜀人士,显示我朝宽厚之胸怀,维持新的君臣关系和社会的安定秩序。朕下令征召西蜀名贤到朝中做官,李密也是其中之一。我朝“太守臣逵”和“刺史臣荣”分别推举他为孝廉和秀才,但这个李密自视清高