Comparative studies on the concerted and two-step mechanism of ketene-methylenimine cycloaddition

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengguowei
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The concerted reaction mechansim of the ketene-methylenimine cycloaddition reaction was reconfirmed by IRC calculation at HF/6-31G level.Other possible reaction schemes were also studied.The cis and gauch intermediate cannot be found on the potential energy surface,and the trans intermediate can only lead to a 6-membered ring product.Therefore,a two step mechanism to form β-lactam is excluded for the title reaction. The concerted reaction mechansim of the ketene-methylenimine cycloaddition reaction was reconfirmed by IRC calculation at HF ​​/ 6-31G level. Other possible reaction schemes were also studied. The cis and gauch intermediate can not be found on the potential energy surface, and the trans intermediate can only lead to a 6-membered ring product.Therefore, a two step mechanism to form β-lactam is excluded for the title reaction.
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