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2006年是实施“十一五”规划的开局之年,中央经济工作会议指出,做好明年国民经济和社会发展工作,意义十分重大,能否打好开局,对于整个“五年规划”的实施和全面推进小康社会建设都至关重要。因此,必须牢牢抓住经济建设这个中心,紧紧围绕发展这个主题,把科学发展观落实到经济和社会发展的实处,努力实现经济社会又快又好地发展。实现又快又好地发展,首先要保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性,努力寻求新的经济发展动力。保持较快的经济增长速度,创造更多的物质财富,增强综合国力,是解决中国各种难题的基础。大国经济发展的实践证明,经济增长需要出口拉动,但主要靠扩大内需;扩大内需需要投资拉动,但更需要消费需求的增加。因此,明年经济工作的立足点应该是注重扩大内需,理顺投资与消费关系,把增加居民消费特别是农民消费作为扩大消费需求的重点。与此同时,要继续坚持实施稳健的财政政策和货币政策,继续加强和改善宏观调控,坚决遏制固定资产投资盲目增长的势头。 The year 2006 marks the first year of implementing the 11th Five-Year Plan. The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that it is of great significance to do a good job in the work of national economy and social development for next year and whether it can lay a solid foundation for the start of the Five-Year Plan And comprehensively promote the construction of a well-to-do society are crucial. Therefore, we must firmly grasp the center of economic construction, closely follow the theme of development, implement the scientific concept of development to the actual economic and social development, and work hard to achieve a rapid and sound economic and social development. To achieve a rapid and sound development, we must first of all maintain the continuity and stability of macroeconomic policies and strive to seek new impetus for economic development. Maintaining a rapid economic growth rate, creating more material wealth and enhancing overall national strength are the cornerstones for solving various kinds of problems in China. The practice of economic development in large countries proves that economic growth needs to be driven by exports, but mainly by expanding domestic demand; expanding domestic demand requires investment-led but more demand for consumption. Therefore, the starting point of economic work next year should focus on expanding domestic demand, straighten out the relationship between investment and consumption, and increase consumer spending, especially peasant consumption, as the focus of expanding consumer demand. At the same time, we must continue to adhere to the prudent fiscal and monetary policies and continuously strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control so as to curb the blind growth of fixed-asset investment.
分析了机泵的设计特点,根据CAD技术的发展现状,提出不完全数化设计的概念;最后介绍了作者参与开发的油机CAD软件——HYAD系统的功能建模与系统实现。 The design features o
目的 研究头颈部肿瘤CT灌注与肿瘤血管生成因子(VEGF)的相关性.方法 对85例共88个(恶性77个,良性11个)头颈部肿瘤术前行CT灌注检查.采用螺旋CT机自带软件绘制感兴趣区(ROI)的时间-密度曲线(TDC)并计算ROI强化峰值(PH)、达峰时间(PT)、平均通过时间(MTT),病灶相对强化峰值(RPH)和灌注量(PF).其中35例切取与CT灌注靶层面相同的组织切片,行CD34、VEGF抗
1984年以来作者用球结膜——胬肉结膜植片倒转移植术治疗翼状胬肉,疗效满意,介绍如下。 (一)临床资料共71例77眼,3眼为复发型。性別:男36例,女35例。年龄;21~30岁18例,31~40岁
目的 探讨围生期脑缺氧缺血后c fos基因的表达及与海马迟发性神经元死亡的相关性。方法 采用逆转录扩增、免疫组化、原位末端标记法检测脑缺氧缺血新生大鼠模型海马组织中c
计算了 4J2 9可伐合金氧化生成不同产物的热力学上的氧化气氛条件。根据所计算的临界H2 /H2 O比值 ,在可控制的N2 /H2 /H2 O混合气氛下 ,对 4J2 9可伐合金进行氧化实验。氧化