An Analysis of Gothic Beauty in Edgar Allan Poe’s Grotesque and Arabesque Tales

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  Edgar Allan Poe is a great author in 19th century.He is known for his talent in writing truly horrifying stories by using very few words.He is also credited with the invention of the detective-fiction genre that currently dominates the literary world.
  1 The expression of gothic beauty in Poe’s novel
  Poe’s work has been rated both brilliant and awful,but the stylistic attributes of his writing deserve to be regarded with nothing but respect.
  1.1The description of the gothic scene
  The ancient architecture is a characteristic of Gothic element.Authors describes the architecture to make fictions be more haunting.
  According to the Dictionary of Literary Term & Literary Theory(1996:356),most Gothic novels are tales of mystery and horror.They contained a strong element of the supernatural scene:wild and desolate landscapes,dark forests,ruined abbeys,feudal halls and medieval castles with dungeons,secret passages,winding stairways,sliding panels and torture chambers;monstrous apparitions and curses;a stupefying atmosphere of doom and gloom.Gothic literature is intimately associated with the Gothic Revival architecture of the same era.
  The plot is usually set in a castle,an abbey,a monastery,or some other,usually religious edifice,and it is acknowledged that this building has secrets of its own.It is this gloomy and frightening scenery,which sets the scene for what the audience should expect.
  An important aspect of the Gothic qualities in Poe’s fiction is that there are usually remote or haunted locations in which the action occurs.Generally,these haunted locations intersect with the plot and other themes (such as death or madness) and add to the supernatural tone of the tales.
  One of the best examples is“The Fall of the House of Usher”in which death,madness,and the location are intertwined.In this story,for example,Roderick’s looks are described and then the appearance of the“sentient”house are explained to posses a...physique of gray walls and turrets,and all of the dim tarn into which they all looked down which can be equated to the deteriorating condition of the occupants.(1840)
  In“Ligeia”,all of the settings are dark and ominous as the narrator moves to an abbey with“gloomy and dreary grandeur.”(1838)
  Poe employs elements of the supernatural.Poe seems more interested in telling a tale for its own sake.Although death,decay,and reanimation are all parts of some of Poe’s stories,they are more because of love and madness in Poe’s stories rather than because of human error.   1.2 Supernatural horror and violent beauty
  Various techniques of supernatural theme are helpful to arousing fear with Gothic.It usually takes such interpenetration of life and death dramatically.The belief of the exists of vampire,metempsychosis,spiritualism,ghost phenomenon recurring theme of the human body’s fate and the destruction of the soul.
  However,Poe has explored innovative ideas of death.In the Masque of the Red Death,there is a creature,he can be regarded as a symbol of death.
  Poe is also a brilliant man with a wide range of knowledge.He favors of the using of colors.The blood-red implies death and violent,ivory implies pure and kindness,these uses of color help Poe to bring horror feelings to readers.The painting in The Assignation is cryptic.The exquisite painting style can make readers a little put off.While the depiction of the young lady’s left hand,old bottles and the wings can convey other messages.
  Poe’s gothic fictions can let the readers feel the fear of death and pursuit of greater vitality at the same time.To earn a living,he has tasted the sweets and bitters of life for the destitute and homeless.Losing love of his motherhood,he desired of feminine tenderness and care,while his beautiful wife dead at a young age,in striking contrast,Poe found solace in his novel.
  1.3 Writing factors Analysis in Poe’s gothic fiction
  The gothic fictions are supposed to be known as challenges to society and cognitions people believe in.Most of these works are violent and bloody,ignoring the psychological depiction.Poe was despised about these novels and claimed that he is different from the gothic novel.He knows how to speculating character’s thoughts.His psychological depiction leaved sharp shock in reader’s mind.Readers can experience the horror story.Poe knew how can his works influence the readers.Poe’s economic style and pointed language thus contribute to the narrative content,and perhaps this association of form and content truly exemplifies paranoia.Even Poe himself,like the beating heart,is complicit in the plot to catch the narrator in his evil game.
  Allan Poe is good at using the first perspective in thirty-five short fictions,in addition to three pieces:The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion,The colloquy of Monos and Una,The power of words.The first person can facilely concentrate on description.Readers may get a strong sense of the novel tells.The creative person can express emotion,detailed psychological description and make the article more authenticity to get the moving effect.   Poe’s aesthetic thought has been affected by Kant,Schlegel,Karl,Coleridge,Byron,Tennyson.He used the“beauty death”,“wake the dead”and human abnormal behavior to create terror atmosphere,he put dream and reality,ideal and the reality into his works,so that his works is terror and combined with the narrator’s personal feelings,for his realistic and fantastic writing techniques and his imagination.
  Poe is interested in things of encryption and seeking out the hidden information.Maybe that’s the reason that his researchers like to study carefully search to his works.He puts hidden clue in his pieces.That’s a typical writing technique in writing fictions when author who prefer readers to find the answer by their own.
  2 Readers’ experience
  2.1 Anxiety and Depression
  Poe is obsessed with filling in the lyrics.In“The Fall of the House of Usher”,he used a-full-two pages to write lyrics.When writing lyrics,the words collocation is a important thing to pay attention.Poe is good at words collocation,so his works are always full of rhythm beauty.He also uses the words collocation to render the atmosphere.
  Roderick Usher is a typical hero of gothic horror,he has a horrible appearance, “ghastly pallor of the skin,hair floated rather than fell about the face. ”Throughout the full text,Usher’s sister looks like a symbol rather than a person.These reading experience brought readers anxiety depression.
  2.2 Sentimental beauty
  Poe had already shown a gift for writing about the horrific in The Oval Portrait (1842).This novel conveys sentimental beauty.Readers feel pity for the fate of the beauty and sympathize with the disappearance of beauty.
  Although“The Oval Portrait”centers on the painting of a woman,the painter’s wife is essentially a passive figure within the story.Docile and loving,she is akin to the canvas of the portrait in that both are manipulated by the male painter,whose passion and drive make him the active figure in the history of the painting.In this fiction,the young lady is depicted as the obedient wife of her husband.This shows how weak women are portrayed as they are completely submissive,and in this case,even support her husband interests at the expense of her own life.
  2.3 Admiration for beautiful life
  Being alive is the fundamental of doing what they like,to feel what they can feel,to touch what they can touch,but death is everywhere.No one finds out when will he dies,by accident or illness.Allen Poe chooses death as the theme can shocking readers at the maximum.Eternal life can live forever when people dead.In existentialist’s eyes,the death is even prettier than alive.After referring to the murder and death in Poe’s novel,it’s easy to make a conclusion that living is happiness.In front of these cruel things,everyone has only one chance to live in the world.   Poe claims his horror style is the horror in heart.That is because he can tell stories in a vivid way.Also,Poe is interested in things of encryption and seeking out the hidden information.Maybe that’s the reason that his researchers like to study carefully search to his works.
  3 Conclusion
  Edgar Allan Poe is one of the famous Gothic poet,critic and writers.Poe’s writing is always characterized by the elements of Gothic such as brooding atmosphere,thrilling exploration of characters in various states of extremity,sinister,violence and insanity.
  Besides,Allen Poe is a foundation of“effective theory”.He writes everything to reach his goal to build the terror atmosphere.Although his works are filled with despair,loss,pain,sorrow and horror,he treats death as usual things,maybe that’s the reason that he can dominate this kind of theme.Readers may understand his pursuits for a better life through his description of death and terror.Since personal tragedy was a recurring theme in Edgar Allan Poe’s life,his work reflected the darkness instilled by such continuous sorrow.Poe even acknowledged this in his famous work Alone:“From childhood’s hour,I have not been as others were;I have not seen as others saw;I could not bring my passions from a common spring.(Poe 1830:390)”
  [1]Poe,E.A.The Works of Edgar Allen Poe[M].Tenessee:General Books LLC,2010.
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