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在庆祝“八一”建军节的时候,少年朋友把心中最美的歌唱给解放军叔叔、阿姨听,把心中最爱的红领巾献给解放军叔叔、阿姨戴。因为,他们是最可爱的人! 1927年,“八一”南昌起义的枪声,今天已成为中国人民解放军军史上最激越、最高昂、最动人、最庄严的旋律;已化作中国人民解放军对祖国、对党、对人民群众的无限忠诚。无论是在空气稀薄的雪域高原,还是在波涛万顷的海疆,无论是在奇寒袭人的北国哨所,还是在热风吹雨的南海岛屿,解放军指战员百倍警惕,力排万难,为祖国站岗放哨,保卫家园的安宁;每当发生水灾、震灾等严重自然灾害时,是解放军冲在最前面,抢救、保护人民的生命、财产;许多解放军是中小学校外辅导员,带领少先队员开展有意义的活动,指导同学们军训,提高大家的国防意识 At the celebration of the “August 1” military establishment, the juvenile friends gave the most beautiful songs to the uncles and elders of the People’s Liberation Army to give their favorite red scarves to the PLA Uncle and Auntie Dai. Because they are the most lovely people! In 1927, the gunfire of the “August 1” Nanchang Uprising has today become the most agitation, the highest, the most moving and the most solemn melody in the history of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. It has been turned into a document for the People’s Liberation Army Unlimited loyalty to the motherland, to the party and to the people. Whether in the thin air of the snow-covered plateau or in the boundless waters of the vast seas, whether at the oddly-cold Northland post or the hotly-blown South China Sea islands, the People’s Liberation Army soldiers and fighters are 100 times more vigilant, make every effort to stand guard and stand guard for the motherland So as to safeguard the peace of the homeland. Every time a serious natural disaster such as a flood or a quake strikes, it is the People’s Liberation Army rushing forward to rescue and protect the lives and property of the people. Many PLA personnel are counselors for primary and secondary schools and lead young pioneers to make meaningful Activities to guide students in military training and raise their awareness of national defense
“中子弹”的杀伤破坏效应 众所周知,核爆炸时可产生四种杀伤因素,即冲击波、光辐射、早期核辐射和放射性沾染。原子弹在一般爆炸条件下(超高空爆炸除外),能量分配大体是光
介绍一种可靠性高、成本低、适用于最大起升高度在30m以下的机械式限幅器,阐述其适用范围、机构形式、工作原理、设计思路以及影响精度的因素。 This paper introduces a mec