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案例:2006年5月26日,委托人邵某乘坐南通汽运公司的大客车,从无锡前往如皋。同日12时20分左右为避让一辆小汽车,客车翻入沟渠,致包括委托人邵某在内的大客车乘员等多人受伤。事后,委托人被送往医院治疗。经诊断,委托人邵某左肱骨外科颈骨折(粉碎性),失血性休克,多处软组织挫伤。同年6月17日,交警队对事故责任作出认定:客车司机负主要责任;小汽车司机负次要责任;委托人邵某等大客车乘员没有与事故有关的过错行为。委托人的伤情后经鉴定为十级伤残。委托人治疗终结后找到罗阳律师,要求起诉获得赔偿。在了解到小汽车司机没有经济赔偿能力的情况下,罗阳律师建议委托人直接起诉南通汽运公司,将案由定为公路运输合同纠纷。随后,委托人向南通汽运公司提起诉讼,索赔20万余元(含误工损失13万元)。该案经一审法院两次开庭后判决被告赔偿委托人各项损失8万余元。对委托人担忧的已获工伤保险赔偿(委托人为北京某大型国企员工)后是否还能获得侵权第三方赔偿的问题,罗阳律师收集相关资料就此向法庭充分陈述了意见。法庭采纳了律师“受害人获工伤保险赔付不能免除第三人的侵权责任、本案是合同纠纷不牵涉侵权”的代理意见,但对残疾赔偿金的计算依据和误工损失的确定却不能让人信服。尽管一审判决存在适用法律问题,但委托人因故不愿上诉。判决生效后,南通汽运公司将赔偿款项全额给付委托人。 Case: On May 26, 2006, the client Shaomou took a bus from Nantong Transportation to Rugao from Wuxi. On the same day around 12:20 in order to avoid a car, the bus turned into ditches, including the client Shao, including passengers and many others were injured. Afterwards, the client was taken to the hospital for treatment. After diagnosis, the client Shao left surgical fracture of the neck (comminuted), hemorrhagic shock, multiple soft tissue contusion. June 17 the same year, the traffic police team to determine the responsibility of the accident: bus driver negative main responsibility; car driver negatively responsible; client Shao Mou and other bus occupants did not fault-related acts of misconduct. After the client’s injury was identified as ten disabled. Lawyer Luo Yang found the end of the treatment, the prosecution to obtain compensation. Knowing that the driver of a car does not have the ability to pay for the economy, Lawyer Luo Yang suggests that the principal directly sue Nantong Transportation Company for setting the case as a road transport contract dispute. Subsequently, the client filed a lawsuit to Nantong Transportation Company, claiming more than 200,000 yuan (including a loss of 130,000 yuan for loss of labor). The case was heard twice after the court of first instance sentenced the defendant to compensate the principal for losses of more than 80,000 yuan. Concerned about the client has been injured in industrial injury insurance (the principal is a Beijing-based large state-owned employees) is also able to obtain third-party compensation for infringement, Lawyer Luo Yang collected relevant information to the court fully stated their views. The court adopted a lawyer “victims get compensation for industrial injury insurance can not be exempt from tort liability of a third party, the case is the contractual dispute does not involve infringement,” the views of the agency, but the calculation of disability compensation basis and the loss of working time losses can not make People convinced. Although there are applicable legal issues in the first instance judgment, the principal refuses to appeal for some reason. After the entry into force of the judgment, Nantong Transportation Company will pay the principal in full amount of compensation.
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人对事物的认识是从感知开始的,审美当然也必须从感知开始。在语文学习中,审美感受力的形成表现为:对色彩、音韵、节奏、结构等形式因素有敏锐感知,更要求以丰富的想象力,把那些静止的文字,转变为鲜明可感的形象,因为“美只能在形象中出现”(黑格尔)。而语文课文大都是审美的精品,储藏丰富多彩、千姿百态的美。而这种美感的发生常常无须旁人诠释、引申、启发、诱导,是由阅读直接领悟,并能引起自身共鸣的。  那么,语文
杰迪和哈桑是两个生意人,也是最要好的朋友。一天,两人结伴去陶里亚城做生意。行至一片树林,他们决定歇息一会。  或许是因为走得太累了,杰迪坐下来不到一分钟便酣然入睡,可哈桑却无法睡着。他是个小心谨慎的人,老担心遭人抢劫,虽然身上带的银两不多。  过了好一会儿杰迪才醒来。他站起身来,伸了个懒腰,笑着对哈桑说:“哈桑,也许你不会相信,我刚才做了一个奇怪的梦。我梦到一棵高大的松树,”他用手一指。“就和那棵
随着计算机的普及,以多媒体技术和网络技术为核心的现代教育技术正逐步进入课堂,利用多媒体技术对文字、声音、视频、动画等进行综合处理,可在信息传播中把人的各种感官有机地组合起来接受信息,可以大大地提高人们接受信息的效率,这已在各学科教学中取得良好效果。物理作为一门基础的自然学科,也应当融入现代信息技术。下面就多媒体技术在物理课堂教学中的应用略谈自己的体会。    一、枯燥知识情趣化,激发学习热情   
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家里的装饰虽不算简陋,但也谈不上别致。然而,常年有兰花点缀居室,有兰香盈溢心田,这个家便温馨了许多。爷爷在世时,对淡雅宁静的兰花情有独钟。家里的诸多兰花就是他悉心培育的。  其实,我从前并不太喜欢兰花。我总认为,兰花缺少让人一见倾心的姿色,而且太难伺候。尤其到雨季,空气很潮湿,室内的兰花又很少能够得到阳光的爱抚,这样一来,便从最里面的叶子开始腐烂。若不采取急救措施,花就难逃香销玉殒的命运了。  没