The Boys in the Boat 激流男孩

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  Just as a skilled rider is said to become part of his horse, the skilled oarsmen(桨手,划手)must become part of his boat. Harmony, balance, and rhythm. They’re the three things that stay with you your whole life. Without them civilization is out of whack(运作失常). And that’s why an oarsman, when he goes out in life, he can fight it, he can handle life. That’s what he gets from rowing.
  —George Yeoman Pocock(造船工匠兼大师波科克)
  Ulbrickson took a position slightly up the ramp(斜坡)from them, to gain a bit of height advantage over these very tall boys. Things like that mattered to Ulbrickson. To marshal(引领)large men who were not all that much younger than him, and in many cases just as strong willed, he needed every advantage he could get. He straightened his tie and took his Phi Beta Kappa1 key from his vest(汗衫)pocket and began to twirl it on its lanyard(勋带), as he often did on such occasions. He gazed out over them for a moment, saying nothing, letting his attitude silence them. And then, without prelude(前奏,开场白), he began to tell them how it was going to be.
  “You will eat no fried meats,” he began abruptly. “You will eat no pastries(油酥点心), but you will eat plenty of vegetables. You will eat good, substantial(丰盛的), wholesome(有益健康的)food—the kind of food your mother makes. You will go to bed at ten o’clock and arise punctually(准时地)at seven o’clock. You will not smoke or drink or chew. And you will follow this regimen(养生法,生活规则)all year round, for as long as you row for me. A man cannot abuse(滥用)his body for six months and then expect to row the other six months. He must be a total abstainer(节制者)all year. You will not use profane(亵渎的)language in the shell(轻赛艇)house, nor anywhere within my hearing. You will keep at your studies and maintain a high grade point average. You will not disappoint your parents, nor your crewmates. Now let’s row.”
  There is a thing that sometimes happens in rowing that is hard to achieve and hard to define. Many crews, even winning crews, never really find it. Others find it but can’t sustain(维持)it. It’s called “swing(协调一致).” It only happens when all eight oarsmen are rowing in such perfect unison(一致,和谐)that no single action by any one is out of synch(不同步)with those of all the others. It’s not just that the oars enter and leave the water at precisely the same instant. Sixteen arms must begin to pull, sixteen knees must begin to fold and unfold, eight bodies must begin to slide forward and backward, eight backs must bend and straighten all at once. Each minute action—each subtle turning of wrists—must be mirrored exactly by each oarsman, from one end of the boat to the other. Only then will the boat continue to run, unchecked(未遭抑制的), fluidly(流畅地)and gracefully between pulls of the oars. Only then will it feel as if the boat is a part of each of them, moving as if on its own. Only then does pain entirely give way to exultation(狂喜). Rowing then becomes a kind of perfect language. Poetry, that’s what a good swing feels like.
Recently, I moved from Beijing to a very small town on the west coast of Ireland, which is to say, I went from a bustling1 urban life with all kinds of things to see and do, to a quiet country life.  
In the UK we often equate life experience, especially amongst younger generations, with the number of stamps in your passport.1 That is to say travel is regarded as an enriching life experience that w
供图 Jeremy Collins  Jeremy Collins(杰瑞米 · 柯林斯)  美国插画艺术家,纪录片导演,开创型的攀岩运动员。  作为一名插画艺术家,Jeremy Collins的插画作品已经在全球超过150家攀岩类杂志和户外指南书上刊登过,户外品牌经常用他的插画作品来更新产品线,甚至运用于攀岩鞋的设计中。他还为美国国家地理绘制水彩地图从而大大提升了这本杂志的封面以及内页的格调。  
回到户外装备,总是以功能性为基本出发点,但其亦有生活风格的艺术与时尚设计,伊万·乔伊纳德认为:解决严肃的功能需求在服装设计中并不总是决定性条件,Lifestyle更是如此。我们不需要每次都把功能膜拜为至尊之神。户外服装和产品应该也可以带有趣味性,并且可以升华为艺术品。  我们可以以早期的Bandha Dress举例,你能够身着它出席各种社交场合,也能够在学校门口接你的宝贝放学。或许你不知道,Ban
《英汉大词典》对sentimental有如下释义:情深的,多情的,充满柔情的;感情用事的;情感(上)的;感伤的,多愁善感的,可见该词蕴含丰富、语意微妙。因此,出现“生的门脱儿”、“三底门答儿”、“生的门”、“酸的馒头”等五花八门的音译就不足为奇了。  上述一众译法中,“酸的馒头”因契合“sentimental”的“酸”味而颇受青睐。坊间多认为“酸的馒头”为李欧梵首创。杨全红对此作了考证,认为王蒙早
中国菜举世闻名,不过这些美食的英译少有定论,版本众多,各行其是。少数较有共识、流通广泛的英译,也不见得就能收录于权威的英语词典,如粤菜小吃beef chow fun(干炒牛河)和江南点心xiao long bao(小笼包)。  文化特色词的英译本来就难有定论,有定论却未进入词典殿堂的也所在多有。究其原因,或其在英语世界尚属小众,影响有限,由此反映出来的语料不足,进而在选词纳编时被排除在外。或可归诸
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