Beautiful Roses In Ceramic Art— Color Glaze

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  Abstract:Color glaze is like a beautiful rose in the ceramic art, with a magical China robe; Also like a crystal stones, breathe mark, concise light forever. High temperature color glaze is refers to in glaze with different metal oxide as the coloring agent, after a certain fire temperature and sintering atmosphere present a different colour and lustre glaze. High temperature color glaze painting with its burning unpredictability, chance and opportunity, naturalness, and it is shown that kind of comfortable, freedom is bold and unrestrained, colorful characteristics is enjoyed by more and more people.
  Key words: “color glaze” “artistic feature” “comprehensive decoration” “modern ceramics”
  The Introduction
  Color glaze is one of the four main coating jingdezhen is the father of ceramic decoration, colorful glazed porcelain both meet the needs of the People's Daily life, and to satisfy the people to the ceramic pursuit and enjoyment of beauty. To produce works that meet the design requirements and achieve good artistic effects, it is necessary to be familiar with the preparation of various high-temperature colored glaze, drawing process characteristics, burning surface system and so on. Must master its rule through the test piece, can use the high temperature color glaze confidently to decorate.
  1.Classification of color glaze
  Color glaze for short. The glaze contains a certain amount of coloring agent, and the glaze after burning is colored ceramic glaze. According to the sintering temperature is divided into: high temperature color glaze (higher than 1250 ℃), medium temperature colored glaze (1000 ~ 1000 ℃) and low temperature colored glaze (below 1000 ℃); According to the burning atmosphere, it can be divided into color glaze of oxidizing flame and color glaze of reducing flame. According to the appearance characteristics, it can be divided into: single color glaze, compound color glaze, crack color glaze, matt color glaze and crystal color glaze. According to the coloring mechanism, there are ion coloring, colloid coloring and crystal coloring. Used in various ceramic products. In addition to the inherent characteristics of ordinary ceramic glaze such as anti-fouling and non-water absorption, it is also rich in decorative functions and can cover up the bad color of the billet.
  2.Technological characteristics of color glaze
  Color glaze is a large class of five colors, with distinctive decorative characteristics. The commonly used base glaze is mainly limestone as the main solvent of the so-called lime glaze. This kind of lime glaze contains more alkaline earth metal composition, the high temperature viscosity of the glaze is small, the fluidity is good, so the transparency, gloss and elasticity of the base glaze are good. In addition, burning is the last process in the color glaze making process, it is also the key to the success of color glaze making. Particularly in the high temperature color glaze firing will happen in the process of a series of physical and chemical reaction, to fire the ideal color glaze products, must according to the requirements of the glaze composition and color rendering, grasp the appropriate sintering temperature and sintering atmosphere. In general, all kinds of high temperature color glaze at about 1300 ℃, the temperature about 1200 ℃, the reduction or oxidation atmosphere is burning, low temperature at 1000 ℃, using oxidizing atmosphere firing. In the process of firing, attention should be paid to the relationship between temperature and speed of firing and glaze composition.   3.The form of colored glaze
  3.1 Color glaze combined with painting decoration
  There are two types of color glaze painting, one is to paint on the color glaze porcelain; The other is to combine ceramic painting materials (such as blue flowers) on the color glaze to paint on the pottery. The natural glaze that sets off adornment picture with color glaze, want to combine only clever, can produce the action that adds a flower on the brocade. Or paint with color glaze directly, color is gorgeous and downy, can enrich the color and layer of glaze on and under glaze.
  3.2 Changing texture decoration of color glaze kiln
  Color glaze kiln skin texture decoration fully USES the color glaze, will need to use a variety of different color glaze according to art, splash, painting and other glazed method at different levels, in turn, overlapping coverage, in whole or in part in the firing process make full use of the nature of glaze liquidity to produce rich sense of rhythm, this completely by the ornament of glaze, contrast and blend of ceramic works particularly suited to create situations, big strong result easy bring people visual shock and impact, but this form is for the first two difficult, The producer in all aspects of knowledge and production techniques are much more skilled.
  3.3 Color glaze and carved decoration
  Combining color glaze with knife clay sculpture technique: this type of combination way, in most cases, more suitable for theme image clarity or scattered point layout of grain, is a kind of more see the use of the method. This kind of creation technique skill applies monochrome color glaze to the sculpture pattern, also can be used for carving on the local astringent tire, still have the skill of setting off blue and white porcelain painting with the color glaze sculpture. The bright color glaze of simple and elegant and the half knife clay sculpture pattern are harmoniously integrated, the different levels and texture of the sculpture pattern foil, and enrich the creativity of the picture.
  [1]Zibing Tian. History of Chinese Arts And Crafts. China art publishing house.2014.
  [2]Jingrong Yang. Color Glaze. Commercial press hall (Hong Kong). 1994-4.
  [3]Chenglong Li. China's Ancient Color-glazed Porcelain. Forbidden City press. 2004.
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