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为了防范建筑照明系统火灾的发生,消防规范对建筑照明系统防火隔热已有明确规定。但是,由于没有统一的隔热、散热措施,在电气防火检测中发现隔热、散热措施各种各样,很不规范。文章在讨论照明系统一般防火问题的同时,着重就隔热、散热工程措施进行了讨论。并指出由于很多照明装置在顶棚上安装时留下的孔洞,实际上给顶棚整体防火性能造成了破坏。火灾时的烟雾和火焰会通过这些孔洞穿透顶棚,蔓延到顶棚上部,扩大火势。为了防止顶棚整体防火性能的破坏,又能使照明器达到隔热、散热的目的,可以用防火涂料制成的防火帽、防火垫解决。该方法还可以推广用来对各种接线盒进行防火隔热,以填补照明器、开关、接线盒隔热等措施的不足。 In order to prevent the occurrence of fire in the architectural lighting system, fire codes have clearly defined the fire protection and insulation of architectural lighting systems. However, due to the lack of uniform heat insulation and heat dissipation measures, heat insulation and heat dissipation measures have been found in electrical fire detection, which are not standardized. While discussing the general fire protection problems of the lighting system, the article focused on the thermal insulation and thermal engineering measures. And pointed out that due to the holes left by the installation of many lighting devices on the ceiling, the overall fire performance of the ceiling was actually damaged. Smoke and flames in the fire can penetrate the ceiling through these holes and spread to the upper part of the roof to increase the fire. In order to prevent the destruction of the overall fireproof performance of the ceiling, and to achieve the purpose of heat insulation and heat dissipation of the luminaire, fireproof caps and fireproof mats made of fire-proof paints can be used to solve the problem. This method can also be applied to fireproof and heat insulation of various junction boxes to fill the shortage of measures such as lighting, switches, and junction boxes.
1984年11月1~3日以春日井达造为首的代表团,来华进行上海中日胃癌学术交流活动,现将日方交流的内容综述如下: 一、流行病学根据日本1983年人口动态统计,癌症死亡率最高是胃癌
我离去的日子我离去的日子,春天绽开来实现谈过的话:黑暗,黑暗。我们一起用了餐,他们铺了一张白桌布为了气氛宁静,他们摆上一盏蜡烛,为了蜡烛的缘故。 I leave the day I l