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11月8日,中国有色金属工业协会常务副会长、党委副书记任旭东在广州出席第十六届再生金属国际论坛及国际再生金属展览交易会并致辞。中国有色金属工业协会副会长尚福山主持会议开幕式,并作《“十三五”我国再生有色金属产业战略转型与发展》的主旨报告。国家发改委资源节约和环境保护司副司长马荣、工信部节能与综合利用司副司长高宁、环保部固管中心主任凌江、 November 8, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association executive vice president, deputy party secretary Ren Xudong attended the 16th International Conference on Recycling Metals and International Recycling Metals Exhibition in Guangzhou and addressed. Shang Fushan, vice chairman of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference and made a keynote speech on “13th Five-Year Plan”, “Strategic Transformation and Development of China’s Recycled Nonferrous Metals Industry”. Ma Rong, deputy director of the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform Commission, Gao Ning, deputy director of the Department of Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ling Jiang,
北京,一座具有3057年建城史和858年建都史的伟大历史文化名城,这里记载着数代王朝的兴衰荣辱,延续着中国数千年的皇城文化。自2010年7月,原东城区和原崇文区两区合并以来,南北的“文脉”、“商脉”随即打通,新东城区站在了新的起跑线上,在科学发展观的指导下,按照首都功能核心区的定位要求,努力打造“首都文化中心区,世界城市窗口区”。  提升文化软实力  东城区区长牛青山在接受某报记者采访时曾说过,历
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