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联合国教科文组织国际自然与文化遗产空间技术中心(HIST)今天在北京成立。未来这个中心将在世界遗产地的监测、保护和管理方面,为联合国教科文组织及成员国提供技术支持。HIST是联合国教科文组织在全球设立的第一个基于空间技术的世界遗产研究与培训机构,也是中科院建立的首个联合国教科文组织的二类中心。该中心依托中科院对地观测与数字地球科学中心建设,将利用中科院在空间对地观测技术领域的优势资源,为联合国教科文组织及成员国在世界遗产地的监测、保护和管理方面提供技术支持。 The UNESCO International Center for Space Science and Technology (HIST) was established in Beijing today. The future center will provide technical support to UNESCO and member states in the monitoring, protection and management of World Heritage sites. HIST is UNESCO’s first space-based World Heritage Research and Training Institute established globally and is also the first UNESCO-type II center established by the Chinese Academy of Science. Based on the Chinese Academy of Science’s Earth Observation and Digital Earth Science Center, the center will utilize the CAS’s superior resources in space-Earth observation technology to provide technical support to the UNESCO, member states in the monitoring, protection and management of World Heritage sites .
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北京,一座具有3057年建城史和858年建都史的伟大历史文化名城,这里记载着数代王朝的兴衰荣辱,延续着中国数千年的皇城文化。自2010年7月,原东城区和原崇文区两区合并以来,南北的“文脉”、“商脉”随即打通,新东城区站在了新的起跑线上,在科学发展观的指导下,按照首都功能核心区的定位要求,努力打造“首都文化中心区,世界城市窗口区”。  提升文化软实力  东城区区长牛青山在接受某报记者采访时曾说过,历
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Patients with chronic kidney disease(CKD) have an extremely poor cardiovascular outcome. Arterial stiffness, a strong independent predictor of survival in CKD,
In the past two years,due to weak global economic recovery and manufacturing downturn,the world mineral market continued to slump.As a result,scarce minerals ha