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针对宁夏设施土壤连作障碍发生严重、设施土壤碱化度高等问题,以连作10年的设施黄瓜连作土壤为研究对象,以糠醛和醋糟为改良剂主料,通过调酸调节改良剂pH为2,采用盆栽试验,设置667m2施200(T1)、400(T2)、600(T3)、800(T4)、1 000(T5)、1 300(T6)、1 600kg(T7)的7个处理,以不添加改良剂为对照(CK),系统研究了不同改良剂用量对土壤养分、盐分离子、微生物数量的影响。结果表明:盛果期土壤pH和EC值均随改良剂施用量增加呈下降的趋势,其中T7降低pH效果最显著,降低4.29%,T5降低土壤EC值最显著,降低37.72%;T6和T7土壤全氮含量显著高于CK,分别增加42.11%和48.54%;667m~2施800kg以上用量改良剂显著增加土壤有机质;T1、T2、T4和T5处理相对CK分别显著增加20.00%、20.00%、23.33%和26.67%的土壤全磷;T4处理Ca~(2+)和Cl~-下降最为显著,Na~+、K~+和HCO_3-在T3下降最为显著。T4细菌数和放线菌的增长最显著,且真菌数降低最为显著,缓苗期T3放线菌增长最显著。综合分析得出,667m~2施用量600kg为该复合型有机酸性土壤改良剂的最佳施用量。 In order to solve the problem of continuous cropping obstacle in soil and high alkalization degree of facility soil in Ningxia facility, the continuous cropping cucumber continuous cropping soil was used as the research object. Furfural and vinegars were used as the main ingredient of the conditioner. The pH was adjusted to be 2 Pot experiment was carried out to set up 7 treatments of 667m2 applying 200 (T1), 400 (T2), 600 (T3), 800 (T4), 1000 (T5), 1300 (T6) The effect of different amendments on the soil nutrients, salt ions and the number of microbes was studied systematically with no amendments as control (CK). The results showed that the soil pH and EC value all decreased with the increasing amount of modifier, of which, T7 decreased the pH by 4.29%, while the T5 decreased the soil EC value by 37.72%; T6 and T7 Soil total nitrogen content was significantly higher than that of CK, increasing by 42.11% and 48.54% respectively. The soil organic matter content of 667m ~ 2 applying more than 800kg significantly increased the soil organic matter, and the relative CK increased by 20.00% and 20.00% at T1, T2, T4 and T5 treatments, 23.33% and 26.67% respectively. The most significant decrease of Ca 2+ and Cl ~ 4 was observed in T4 treatment, while the decrease of Na +, K + and HCO 3 in T3 was the most significant. T4 bacteria and actinomycetes growth of the most significant, and the most significant decrease in fungi, slow-T3 actinomycetes growth was the most significant. Comprehensive analysis shows that the application rate of 600kg for 667m ~ 2 is the optimum dosage for the compound organic acid soil amendment.
在日前举办的2020年国际消费类电子产品展览会上,三星公司在对外播放的PPT中,其展示的面部识别图标,“神似”苹果公司的Face ID图标,三星由此被指涉嫌抄袭。$$近来,在互联网圈此类