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  雨停了。幽谷里传出几声犬吠,云岭上掠过一群归鸟。我也该回家了。于是,我轻轻地招手,告别了山里的众朋友, 带回了满怀的好心情,好记忆,顺便还带回一路月色……
  Visiting Friends in the Mountains
  Walking out of the door,I embrace the soft breeze with the dews and the flavor of gardenias. What a bright and clear morning, making people feel relaxed.
  By no vehicles and with no company and no presents, I just take with me good moods to go along a quiet path alone to visit my friends.
  That ancient bridge is the first friend that I am going to visit. The venerable old bridge, how many decades have you been standing across this river? Are you tired? How many people and horses have you helped to cross the river? You sent the rolling river to the remote place. You bent down to kiss the shadows reflected in the river, people’s shadow, fishes’ shadow and moon’s shadow. You have experienced growing extinctions, and gatherings and partings. Time is like water which cannot be stopped. However, it is only you who insist on that posture which have never changed. It is you who presents me an ancient and tough spirit.
  Stepping into this forest, I feel all of the trees are my confidants who are greeting to me with their greenness. Many birds are calling my name, and many dewdrops are contacting with me through eyesight. Leaning on a tree quietly, I feel every tree is staring at me after looking around them in their eyes. Closing my eyes, I feel myself turning into a tree: I feel roots start to grow under my feet, striking themselves deep into the soil and breathing the archaeus from the deep of earth; I feel my hair turning into the tree-crown, my hands into branches, and my mind into myron, which are rotating and flowing in the annual rings; Finally, I bear out seeds which are taken to remote mountains and waters by flying birds.   Hello, Sister Mountain Spring, is your bright water surface aiming at bright my perplexed inside? Hello, Sister Stream, are you inviting me to recite the poem together with you? Sister White Cloud, the cute daughter of the moon and the considerate nurse of the sky, your undefiled figure makes the gaunt sky rejuvenate and show us the blue face. Hello, Brother Waterfall, you pure singer and your vigorous and firm tenor; you do not need sponsorship nor charge ticket; your talented voice are ceaselessly singing from remote ancient to modern times. Hello, Grandpa Cliff, occult wisdom is engraved on your forehead, and clear limpid meditative mind is weaved in the deep gorge; it reminds me of the hermits and eminent monks in successive generations; Also, you are a silent sage; are these books from heaven carried by cloud written by you? Hello, Brother Skylark, what are you whispering? I know you are innocent youths who never comment on others’ right and wrongs. Instead, who you care about is the miraculous scenes you notice in flying.
  Holding a piece of stone and knocking on it slightly, I, as if, hear the deafening sound of remote volcano eruption, and hear the echo of
  time. Picking up a piece of fallen leaf and scrutinizing its delicate pattern, I discover the mystic palmistry of destiny. On its way down to the earth, it is honorable for me to take part in this meaningful ceremony. Pick up a flower and put it among my hair. Now I am alone here; Flowers won’t laugh at me, nor birds will feel shameful about me. In this unpeopled valley, I put on a flower and exude tenderness and love through eyes, quietly, showing my feminine inside for a while.
  All of a sudden, a thundershower breaks out, as if tens of thousands of swordsmen are shouting in the sky, as if tens of thousands of drunk poets are reciting in the cloud, moving and frightening. I run to an old cypress who immediately holds a huge umbrella for me, graciously. The whole world is filled with rain except the place I am staying in, which turns to be a wonderful site for enjoying the rain. Isn’t it the kindness from god to me? Looking down upon, I find some ants are also taking shelter from rain here. How moving it is when I am holding several ants in my hands. Oh, ant, my little brother, destiny brings us together in this obscured world and makes us to be brothers sharing difficulties and woes.
  The rain stops. Several sound of barking comes across the deep and seclude valley, and a group of returning birds fly across the Yunling Mountain. It is time for going back home. Then, I wave my hands gently to my friends in this valley, taking away a full heart of good feelings, memories and the moonlight through the whole way.
【摘要】目的 分析220KV高压输电线路的防地雷接地技术,提高输电线路稳定性。方法 通过分析高压输电线路雷击放电原理,对雷电参数、雷电流和雷电压、雷击跳闸率和耐雷水平等要素进行分析。结果 选择合理输电线路、降低杆塔接地电阻、架设耦合地线、安装路线型避雷器、安装侧向避雷器、增加避雷线并减少保护角、装设自动重合闸装置、采用并联保护间隙技术、优化绝缘配合等技术在防雷接地技术中作用显著。结论 对高压输电线
进入21 世纪,人类口头的非物质文化遗产的抢救与保护已成为人们关注的热点.宁夏回族山花儿作为中国西北花儿家族中的一个具有鲜明地域性的独特品种,是宁夏回族文化的重要组成
【 摘 要 】企业异质性贸易理论,主要研究企业层面的微观经济活动及产生的贸易利益。笔者根开放条件下创新活动引致的贸易利益及其影响机制,对国外最新研究文献进行了系统综述。一是创新活动能够提高企业内部的资源配置效率和内在生产率,提供新的贸易利益源泉;二是创新决策是提高企业生产率的途径,大体上通过出口市场规模扩大效应、采用先进技术与否的二元决策、投入创新活动的强度差异决策等不同影响机制来实现;三是异质性
【摘 要】通过建立完善的就业信息数据库,并利用数据挖掘、SWOT等多种技术对就业信息进行分析,寻找其中有价值的关系和规律,然后基于高质量就业这一新视角构建就业指导模式,可以推进高校专业人才培养、就业指导与就业服务等工作,从而为制定高校专业人才培养方案、就业工作开展提供比校客观的决策支持,有利于提高毕业生的就业质量。  【关键词】实习就业指导 模式 质量  中图分类号:G710 文献标识码:A  一
【摘要】初中物理课程主要是加强对学生物理概念和物理规律的培养,从而加强对物理的应用,促进社会自然科学的发展。随着新课改的实行,初中物理教学改革也提上了日程。为了适应科学技术迅速发展的社会对人才的要求,本文分析了初中物理教学中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  【关键词】初中物理 教学 问题 对策  随着当今知识经济的到来,社会对人才综合素质的要求越来越高。而初中作为学生吸收知识、掌握知识的黄金时期
【摘 要】本文结合自己在少数民族地区农村初中的教学经历,结合班主任实践工作,分析了少数民族地区农村初中班主任工作的特点,重点阐述了如何当好少数民族地区农村班主任工作的几点思路。  【关键词】班主任 少数民族地区 初中 思考  一、前言  在从事农村初中班主任工作过程中,深深体会到少数民族地区农村初中班主任工作的重要性。相对城市初中而言,少数民族地区农村初中生的社会认知度有限,家庭教育水平较低,学生
儿童的学习一定要有趣味性,只有充满趣味性的东西,才能更好的吸引学生的眼球,学习美术也是如此,趣味美术教育通过安排富有趣味性的教学内容,激发幼儿的绘画兴趣,以教师儿童化的语言发展创造性思维;经过这几年来教学的实践,我摸索出了一套以趣味美术为主,有利于激发学生创新能力发展的教学策略。  一、激发幼儿的绘画兴趣  1、有趣味性的教学内容  俗话说,兴趣是最好的老师。特别是对于低龄的儿童来说,孩子总是对有