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自国办发[1999]101号《关于工程勘察设计单位体制改革的若干意见》及其相关改革文件出台后,本刊曾于2000年第4期刊载了有关体制改革经验交流的文章。两年多过去了,工程咨询设计行业在体制改革的指导思想、目标、任务、配套政策的诸多方面实现了重大突破。2002年11月中国机械工业勘察设计协会在广西桂林召开了第四次会员代表大会,会上就工程咨询设计行业在体制改革进程中的经验和成果进行了充分的交流与讨论。现将中国工业机械勘察设计协会理事长孟祥恩在该会上的讲话(摘编,文中小标题为编者所加)和一些勘察设计单位在会议上的发言(节选)刊出,供大家相互学习、借鉴或参考。新年伊始,本刊为加快工程勘察设计单位改制转型步伐,将继续刊登这方面的文章,希望大家支持,共同早日完成工程咨询设计单位体制改革的这一重大历史性变革。 Since the issuance of a number of Opinions on the Institutional Reform of Engineering Investigation and Design Units issued by State Council [1999] No. 101 and related reform documents, the magazine published an article on the exchange of experience in structural reform in the fourth issue of 2000. More than two years later, engineering consulting and design industry has made a major breakthrough in the guiding ideology, objectives, tasks and supporting policies of the system reform. November 2002 China Machinery Industry Survey and Design Association held its fourth member congress in Guilin, Guangxi. At the meeting, it fully exchanged and discussed the experience and achievements of engineering consulting and design industry in the process of system reform. The speech (excerpt) of the speech made by Meng Xiang-en, chairman of China Association of Industrial Surveyers and Design Association, at the meeting (excerpted, added by the editorial) and some survey and design institutes are now available for mutual learning and reference. Or reference. At the beginning of the new year, in order to speed up the pace of restructuring and transformation of engineering survey and design institutes, this journal will continue to publish articles in this field and hope everyone can support it and jointly complete this major historic reform of the engineering consulting and design institutes as soon as possible.
教师传道授业解惑的过程,是在师生之间的直接交流中完成的,会对学生的精神和心理产生重要影响。苏霍姆林说过“教育者与自己对象的每次接触,归根到底是为了激励 The preachi
一、上肢运动(4×8拍) 预备姿势:持圈自然站立(下同、见图1)。1.①左臂前平举90°,②同①,换右臂做,③左臂上举(图2),④同③换右臂: ⑤⑥头上击圈二次,⑦两臂侧平举,⑧还原