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一、要充分发挥企业的主体作用市场经济,企业是主体。外贸出口,招商引资,发展开放型经济,企业同样是主体。由于长期受计划经济的影响,我省不少企业市场竞争意识不强,“重生产、轻流通”的现象比较普遍。加之地处内陆,市场半径较小,直接参与国际市场竞争的机会较少,多数企业缺乏国际市场竞争力。入世以后,国门大开,国际市场国内化,国内市场国际化,企业可以在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际市场合作与竞争。我们不走出去,人家也要走进来。这对企业来讲,既是难得的 First, to give full play to the main role of the enterprise market economy, the enterprise is the main body. Foreign trade exports, attracting investment, and developing an open economy, companies are also the mainstay. Due to the long-term impact of the planned economy, many enterprises in our province have a weak sense of market competition, and the phenomenon of “reproduction and light circulation” is relatively common. In addition to being located inland, the market has a smaller radius and there are fewer opportunities for direct participation in international market competition. Most companies lack the competitiveness in the international market. After China’s accession to the WTO, the country has opened wide, the international market has become domestic, and the domestic market has become international. Enterprises can participate in international market cooperation and competition in a larger and deeper degree. We don’t go out and people have to come in. This is a rare opportunity for companies.
各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各委办厅局、各直属机构:省科委《关于加快我省技术市场建设的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。 People’s governments o
近年来,重庆 市开县人武部的理 论学习根据警备区 政治部的部署较好 地解决了学起来的 问题。标志之一,就 是学习制度得到了 落实,时间有保证, 人员易集中,学习内容实。这样
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