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市人民委员会对市财政局“关于天津合成氨厂基建资金使用情况的检查报告”的批复财宋字58号 1961年9月25日(不另行文)最近,市财政局对天津合成氨厂的基建资金使用情况进行了检查,发现该厂存在着管理混乱,铺张浪费、弄虚作假、逃避监督、违反机关企业付食品生产规定等行为,造成非生产性开支不正当地超过计划,浪费了某建资金,严重地违反财务制度。除责成市化学工业局督促该厂主管负责人对这些行为深刻检查作出书面检讨报市人委外,几个违反制度的问题应作如下处理:一、超过实际需要的盲目购置要立即停止,已买的要按勤俭办一切事业的原则,核定需用量,多余部分立即退货或变价处理,收回基建资金。以弄虚作假手段套取资金,没有正式单据即行报帐等部分,经办人及批准人都要深刻检查。违反制度的项目不准报帐。二、凡不应由基建欵开支的项目及私人借支部分应立即追回。三、办公费中的出差补助、私车公用补助及其他已发到职工个人的不合制度开支,过去的不再追回,今后一律按照市财政局制发的“关于地方企业单位管理费用开支标准的规定”(61财企刘字第122号通知)办理。四、对工池、仓库堆存的物资设备要进行一次彻底清查,残损变质及多余物资要报请上级主管部门妥善处理,严重损失的要追查责任。五、经营付食品生产占用的基建资金要立即追回,付食品生产的种类、规模要按照本厂人力条件实事求是的安排,严禁雇工代种。据了解,在其他基建单位中也有类似问题,因此,转发布财政局的检查报告。希各主管局督促所属各单位结合当前工作进行一次检查,对查出的不合制度行为,也要按照上述精神适当处理。 Municipal People’s Committee on the Municipal Bureau of Finance “on the Tianjin Synthetic Ammonia Plant Capital Construction Fund Utilization Inspection Report ” approved Reply Song 58 words September 25, 1961 (not otherwise separate) Recently, the Municipal Finance Bureau of Tianjin ammonia plant Infrastructure funds were examined and found that there was management chaos, extravagance and waste, fraud, evasion of supervision, violation of the regulations of enterprises and institutions to pay for food production and other acts, resulting in unproductive expenditures illegally exceeding the plan, wasted a construction fund, Seriously violates the financial system. In addition to instructing the Municipal Bureau of Chemical Industry to urge the person in charge of the plant to conduct a thorough review of these acts and make a written review of the municipal people’s appointments, several violations of the system should be dealt with as follows: 1. Blind purchases that exceed the actual needs should be stopped immediately. Buy according to the principle of diligence and doing all the business, approved the amount required, the excess part of the immediate return or price change treatment, recovery of capital construction funds. Fraudulent means to fool funds, there is no formal documents that are part of the reimbursement, managers and approvers should conduct in-depth examination. Items that violate the system are not allowed to be reported. 2. Projects and private borrowings that should not be financed by infrastructure should be recovered immediately. Third, office expenses in the travel subsidies, private car subsidies and other personal expenses have been sent to employees of the non-system expenses, the past no longer recover, will be issued in accordance with the Municipal Finance Bureau “on the local business unit management expenses Standard Provisions ”(61 Cai Qi Liu Zi No. 122 notice) for handling. Fourth, the pool, warehouse storage of materials and equipment to conduct a thorough inventory, deterioration and excess supplies to be reported to the higher authorities properly handle the serious loss of the responsibility to track down. Fifth, operating funds paid for the production of food to cover the infrastructure funds to be recovered immediately, pay the type of food production, the size of the manpower in accordance with our factory conditions of seeking truth from facts, non-hire workers are strictly prohibited. It is understood that there are similar problems in other infrastructural units. Therefore, the inspection report of the Finance Bureau is forwarded. Greek Authority urges all subordinate units to carry out an inspection combined with the current work, but also to deal with the non-conformities identified in the spirit of the above.
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