Where Does It All Come From?

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  Mrs. Ashton: Okay, let’s settle down now. Everyone find your seats. Now, we’re going to be taking a look at what causes earthquakes, but before we start, we need to know a little about the earth. What’s the earth made of? Sarah?
  Sarah: Rocks and 1)lava!
  Mrs. Ashton: That’s part of it, yes. So the core of the earth is hot, 2)molten lava. And what hangs out on top of the lava? Dillon?
  Dillon: Um, isn’t it something called “3)plates”?
  Mrs. Ashton: Bingo! But, what are plates?
  Dillon: Uh, something for eating dinner?
  Ozel: Now who’s stupid?
  Mrs. Ashton: Ozel, that’s enough. ①I won’t have you sinking to that level.
  Ozel: But he started it!
  Mrs. Ashton: I don’t care who started it, I’ll finish it. Enough out of both of you. Now, these plates are not the 4)dinnerware kind, they’re the geological kind. They’re called “5)tectonic plates” and they’re part of earth’s 6)lithosphere. Trista?
  Trista: How many are there?
  Mrs. Ashton: ②Well that’s up for debate. Depending on who you talk to, there are about seven to eight major ones and a couple of minor ones.
  Trista: And they’re what cause earthquakes?
  Mrs. Ashton: ③Way to be ahead of the game there Trista! Yes, tectonic plates are what cause everything from earthquakes to 7)volcanic 8)eruptions, and they create most of the geological features in the world, like mountains and oceanic 9)trenches.
  Trista: But I don’t quite get how it all works.
  Mrs. Ashton: Aha, well these plates aren’t just sittin’ around on their 10)butts doing nothing all day. They’re constantly on the move.
  Ozel: You mean the ground underneath us is moving?
  Mrs. Ashton: You got it! And just like people, they don’t always agree about which direction they should be moving in. Sometimes they move apart, sometimes they bump into each other, and sometimes they really get on each other’s nerves by 11)grinding up against each other. Dillon?
  Dillon: My dad said something about a “ring of fire”. What’s that?
  Mrs. Ashton: Good question. It’s actually called the 12)Pacific Ring of Fire, and it’s a collection of the meanest, nastiest volcanoes and earthquakes in the world, all centred around the Pacific Ocean.
  Dillon: How many?
  Mrs. Ashton: It’s got 452 active volcanoes and 90% of the world’s earthquakes!
  Sarah: That’s so terrible for the people who live there! What do they do?
  Mrs. Ashton: Sarah’s got a very interesting question here class—what do you do in an earthquake?
  Ozel: Run outside as fast as you can.
  Trista: No, no, you have to hide under the table.
  Sarah: Don’t you need to count to 30 first?
  Dillon: Dance!
  Mrs. Ashton: Very funny Dillon. Okay class, let’s take a small break, and when we come back, we’ll talk about some earthquake safety.
  Smart Sentences
  ① I won’t have you sinking to that level. 我不希望你学他的坏榜样。
  sink to that level: go down to a despicable or a shameful level (沉沦到,堕落)。例如:
  By allowing herself to sink to that level, Beth has been losing her friends.
  ② Well that’s up for debate. 这个问题尚未有定论。
  up for debate: people have different opinions about sth.(某事未有定论)。例如:
  Whether Bin Laden deserved to be killed by the U.S. is up for debate.
  ③ Way to be ahead of the game there Trista! 特里斯塔,你抢先了一步!
  ahead of the game: moving faster than expected or planned(超前,提前)。例如:
  Bobby always stays ahead of the game to prepare for the worst.
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