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面对我国企业面临的日益激烈的竞争,如何应用好Intel网来促进企业的信息化建设显得尤为重要。现今我国已经有较多的企业拥有自己的网站,但大多质量低下,没有真正起到对外窗口的作用,如不重视网站的信息更新,不重视专家的建议,以致网站空有其表。本文通过企业信息化与电子商务的一般阐述,及现阶段我国电子商务发展的实际情况引出为什么我们要通过电子商务为主要手段促进企业信息化的发展。进而又通过一系列跨国公司以电子商务为手段发展企业信息化并取得较好成绩的案例为企业作参照物,并提出我国企业发展电子商务的必要性, 以警示企业。最后简单提出了如何建设企业信息化:一是信息化建设中涉及的对数据的建设与开发问题;二是专家的作用。 Faced with the increasingly fierce competition facing our country’s enterprises, how to use the Intel network to promote the construction of enterprise information is particularly important. Nowadays, more and more enterprises in our country have their own websites, but most of them are of low quality and do not really function as external windows. For example, they do not attach importance to the updating of information on websites and do not attach importance to the advice of experts. This article through the general description of enterprise information and e-commerce, and the actual situation of the development of e-commerce at this stage led to why we want to promote the development of enterprise information through e-commerce as the main means. And then through a series of multinational corporations to e-commerce as a means to develop enterprise information and achieve better results for the enterprise as a reference, and put forward the need for the development of e-commerce enterprises in our country to alert the business. Finally, simply put forward how to build enterprise information: First, the construction of information technology involved in the construction and development issues; the second is the role of experts.
本文利用变分方法中的极大极小方法研究了一类二阶离散哈密顿系统Δ2u(t-1)+▽F(t,u(t))=0,(V)t∈Z,周期解的存在性和多重性问题,得到了若干新的结果.  全文共分四章:  第
乡镇党委是党在农村的基层组织。它既是党的执政能力建设的重要主体,又是我们党加强执政能力建设的好平 Township party committees are the party’s grassroots organizat