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  Education was a primary tool for building the culture of peace, and the United Nations had rightly placed it at the forefront to that end, speakers said today as the General Assembly held a high-level forum on that topic.
  Assembly President Vuk Jeremi? (Serbia) recalled that the 193-nation body had adopted the Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace 14 years ago, noting that Member States “rightly chose to put education first on the list of necessary actions, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s statement that ‘if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.’”.
  The Assembly President went on to emphasize that children — in the classroom and at home, through the books they read and the web pages they browsed — must learn to act with tolerance and understanding of others, forswearing violence. They must learn more about equality of opportunity and social justice; human dignity and rights; love of one’s neighbour and compassion for the most vulnerable.
  Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson described the present time as a moment in history when a culture of peace — not merely the absence of war, but a fully formed culture of peace — was needed for people around the world to pull together as a single human family and meet shared challenges. He noted that Secretary-General’s Global Education First Initiative focused not only on giving children an education, but also on global citizenship rooted in solidarity and mutual understanding. “The goal of building a culture of peace permeates the work of the United Nations,” he added.
  Following those opening remarks, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia emphasized the importance of faith in God, saying that “without such spirituality, war is unavoidable, even if the world is to be inhabited by only two human beings, even as two born brothers, like it once was with Cain and Abel.” A culture of peace was incompatible with the cult of selfishness and with the “absolutization of egotistic interests”, he emphasized.   这些开幕致辞之后,塞尔维亚主教爱任纽强调了对上帝信仰的重要性,他说:“没有这种灵性,战争是不可避免的,即使这个世界只有两个人居住,两人还是亲生兄弟,就像是圣经中的该隐和亚伯。”他还强调和平文化与对自私自利的狂热、“自高自大的绝对化”水火不相容。
  Sayyid M. Syeed, National Director in the Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances of the Islamic Society of North America, outlined how different religions could work together, recalling that churches in the United States had invited newly-arrived Muslims in the 1950s and 60s to use their facilities for their Friday prayers and other events. The question for those Muslims had been how to relate with the large number of Jewish Americans and how to overcome the “elephant in the room” — the Israel-Palestine conflict. Coming together, the two communities had created the Children of Abraham project in order jointly to fight anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the United States, he said.
  Dipu Moni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, stressed that “peace is not just the mere absence of war”, pointing out that many countries around the world suffered discrimination, terrorism, human rights violations, abject poverty and other major challenges. Bangladesh had brought the draft resolution on a Culture of Peace to the General Assembly in 1997. Having firmly upheld the concept during its fight for achievement, it celebrated the festivals of all four of its major religions and was a rare example of a State that had resolved disputes with its neighbours.
  Anwarul Chowdhury, Chair of the General Assembly drafting committee for the United Nations Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace (1998-1999), spoke on behalf of civil society and The Global Movement for The Culture of Peace, noting that the power of non-violence had been demonstrated by the sacrifices of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. With ever-expanding militarism a cause for concern today, the approach of Daisaku Ikeda, the living apostle of peace — the positive, active pursuit of peace, as opposed to “passive peace” — was inspiring to millions, he said, underlining also the role of women in making peace. “Without peace, development is impossible, and without women, neither peace nor development is possible,” he said.   《联合国和平文化行动宣言和纲领》(1998-1999)起草委员会主席乔杜里代表公民社会和和平文化世界运动发表重要讲话,指出圣雄·甘地和马丁·路德·金的牺牲证明了非暴力的强大。同时,他还强调了在创造和平的过程中妇女角色的重要性。他说,“没有和平,发展就没有可能;没有妇女,发展与和平都没有可能。”
  Elie Abadie, M.D., Rabbi of the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue in New York City, said that from the outset, the idea of a culture of peace had consisted of values, attitudes and behaviours that rejected violence. Unfortunately, the world was still witnessing wars among and within nations. In Jewish tradition, one of God’s names was Shalom, meaning “peace”, he noted. “Love thy neighbour as thyself,” he continued, adding that religions must pride themselves on the level of their adherents’ tolerance and understanding of others.
  Today’s forum also featured three panel discussions, the first titled “The Role of Interfaith Cooperation in Promoting a Global Culture of Peace”; the second “The Culture of Peace as the Agenda for a New Global Civilization: Where are we now?”; and the third, “Strategy for Advancing the Implementation of the UN Programme of Action on Culture of Peace: What are needed?”.
  The General Assembly met this morning to hold its High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace, as requested by resolution 67/106 (2012) on “Follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace”.
  Panel Discussion I
  John O. Voll, Georgetown University Professor, moderated the first panel discussion, which also featured the following panellists: Katherine R. Henderson, President, Auburn Seminary; Matthew Hodes, Director, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations; William F. Vendley, Secretary General, Religions for Peace; and Hüseyin Hurmali, Chief Administrative Officer, Journalists and Writers Foundation.
  The Moderator cited Albert Einstein to the effect that “the world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” He then introduced the panellists as “those who are doing something about it”.   主持人引用了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的话作为开场白,意思是:“这个世界不安全,并非是因为人类的邪恶,而是因为人类不采取行动。”他称与会人为“正在采取行动的人”。
  Ms. HENDERSON said her 200-year-old seminary promoted deep, multifaceted engagement for the sake of justice. “There is no peace without justice,” she said, clarifying the purpose of engagement and cooperation. She also stressed the need for religious communities to address poverty and other ills, saying partnership was vital to the attainment of those objectives. While partners may not follow the same creeds or texts, they had a similar vision. Noting that her institution had been trying to foster a new generation of youth leaders over the past 12 years, she said old-school Christian ministers had known only their own creeds, but today’s religious leaders must know the creeds of other faiths as well. In conclusion, she stressed the importance of realizing the interdependence that connected people to each other.
  Mr. HODES said organized religions promoted tolerance, life, compassion and forgiveness, among other shared values that were vital to conflict prevention and reconciliation. But religion could be toxic as well, he emphasized, citing the former Yugoslavia, where members of the clergy had fed conflict. In Pakistan and Nigeria, girls had been killed and children burned because of sectarian divisions, he noted. On the other hand, religion could be used for peace, he said, recalling that religious mediators had helped to end 15 years of civil war in Mozambique. Interfaith dialogue was a primary tool, if not a panacea, for building a culture of peace, he said, declaring in conclusion: “Failure to talk is a guarantee of failure.”
  Mr. VENDLEY raised the question: “How can the religions contribute to the culture of peace?” People talked about inalienable rights but were “rather mute” about the basis for those rights. The world’s religions, however, were looking into themselves for justifications. Emphasizing that there could be no culture of peace without virtuous people, he described virtues as habits of tolerance, compassion, empathy and love that must be cultivated. No matter the importance of material prosperity, people must look into remarkable human virtues to achieve a culture of peace, and that was where religions could help, as they were great schools of virtue, he said. Although religions had different doctrines, they could still have shared values or care. “Care calls us to act; shared care calls us to act together”, he said, stressing that religious communities could work together in coping with common human problems.   万德利先生问道:“宗教怎样才能有助于和平文化?”人们谈论不可让与的权利,但是对这些权利的根本却“宁愿默不做声”。他把美德描述为必须养成的宽容、同情和爱的习惯,没有美德的人类,就没有和平文化。不管物质繁荣多么重要,实现和平文化,人们必须拥有卓越的人类美德,这就是宗教可以发挥作用的地方,因为他们是美德的最好的学校。虽然宗教有不同的教义,但是他们拥有共同的价值观与关切。他说:“关切号召我们行动,共同的关切号召我们一起行动。”他强调宗教社区应该团结起来处理共同的人类问题。
  Mr. HURMALI quoted the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Director-General: “Peace is more than the absence of war, it is living together with our differences — of sex, race, language, religion or culture.” In order to be effective in promoting the culture of peace, interfaith dialogue initiatives should not be designed and implemented only in post-conflict regions, but should be part of everyday life in all countries. Very peaceful societies could some day turn very violent due to clashes between religious and ethnic groups, he cautioned, adding that all initiatives that advanced a culture of peace should be established and promoted in all nations to prevent future conflicts. Describing ignorance as one of the biggest enemies of peace, he emphasized that political, economic and legal regulations for sustainable peace could never have a lasting effect if people were not educated on universally accepted values such as human rights, freedom of expression, equal opportunity, peaceful coexistence and, above all, “wishing for others what one wishes for him- or her-self”.
  Following those presentations, the representative of Saudi Arabia stressed the need for a mechanism to implement the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. He said a centre for international dialogue had been established in his country to promote a culture of peace, and the Government had invested in the establishment of an international centre to fight terrorism and extremism.
  Panel Discussion II
  U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations, moderated the second panel discussion and introduced the following panellists: Abul Kalam Azad, Minister for Cultural Affairs, Bangladesh; Lakshmi Puri, Deputy Executive Director for Intergovernmental Support and Strategic Partnerships, UN-Women; Azim Khamisa, Founder, the Tariq Khamisa Foundation; Tiffany Easthom, Country Director for South Sudan, Nonviolent Peaceforce; and Grace Akallo, Founder and Executive Director, United Africans for Women And Children Rights.   尼日利亚常驻代表Ogwu主持了第二组的讨论并介绍了与会者。
  Mr. AZAD stressed the need for renewed emphasis on the culture of peace, and outlined his own country’s policies and efforts to that end. He underlined the importance of education to inspire everyone, regardless of identity, and underscored the importance of working through the arts to bridge cultural gaps across civilizations. Calling for a global summit and regional conferences to help people understand different belief systems, he said a culture of peace would help the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and the crafting of a post-2015 development agenda. Urging better awareness of the benefits of a culture of peace, he called for more support for well-coordinated United Nations action to implement the relevant Programme of Action.
  AZAD 先生强调并重申了和平文化的必要性并在讨论的最后概括了他的国家的政策和努力。他强调了教育对于激励每个人的重要性,呼吁召开全球峰会和区域性会议帮助大家了解不同的信仰体系。与此同时他还敦促世界对于和平文化所带来的利益给予更多的关注并且给与更多的支持。
  Ms. PURI provided a gender perspective, stressing that gender justice was central to broader social justice and that asymmetries were bound to lead to conflict. Underlining women’s centrality to the quest for the establishment of a culture of peace, she said war had begun “in the minds of men” but peace could be said to begin “in the minds of women”. Great strides had been made for women and girls, and people were realizing the importance of women to the progress of civilization. Nonetheless, women and girls faced daily inequalities and the structural causes of discrimination must be tackled, she emphasized.
  Puri 女士从性别的角度强调了以性别平等为中心的更为广泛意义上的社会平等。她强调女性在建立和平文化理念中的中心地位,她认为现在社会上对于妇女和女孩的重视已有了大幅度的提高并且意识到了女性在文化进步中的重要作用,但她们在社会上仍然收到不公平待遇和歧视。
  Mr. KHAMISA described how the murder of his son had led him to devote himself to protecting children. There were victims at both ends of guns, he noted, emphasizing that the enemy was really the societal forces pushing boys like his son’s killer into gangs at the age of 11 and into murder at age 14. Violence was learned, so non-violence could be learned as well, he said, describing how programmes with which he was associated had helped to reduce violence, and how that could be relevant to the work of the United Nations.
  KHAMISA 先生描述了他是如何走上保护儿童这条道路的,这一切都源于他儿子被谋杀杀的影响。他指出这些受害人不仅是被杀害的人,同时也是杀害他人的人。战争带来的社会上暴力行为促使男孩们杀人。杀害他儿子凶手的孩子在11岁加入暴徒组织,在14岁并开始参与谋杀行为。所以,他觉得非暴力行为一定要提倡,而且他还提出电视节目对于青少年的影响能够有效地减少暴力行为。
  Ms. EASTHOM shared some of her organization’s practical strategies for building a culture of peace in the field and in conflict situations. Unarmed civilian peacekeepers from Nonviolent Peaceforce provided direct physical protection to civilians affected by violent conflict and helped to prevent further outbreaks of violence, she said. The presence of unarmed peacekeepers had reduced sexual violence and boosted crop harvests on female-run collective farms. They had also stopped cyclical violence between agriculturalists and cattle herders in South Sudan. She acknowledged the complexity of peace, but noted that the recent dry season was the first that locals could remember in which no killings had occurred.   EASTHOM 女士谈及她所参与的组织在有冲突的区域实地创建和平文化的切实方案。非武力的和平捍卫者减少了性暴力并促进了女性经营的集体性质的农场里农作物的巨大丰收。她承认了和平蕴含复杂内容,但指出这个干季节是当地居民记忆中唯一一个没有屠杀的季节。
  Ms. AKALLO said she had been abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army as a child, stressing that child soldiers were always pictured as boys holding AK-47s. While acknowledging the suffering of boys, she said girls faced multiple layers of suffering. They also had to fight, but were also forced to become wives and mothers. Those who escaped and returned to their communities were ostracized and often fell into sex work. Child soldiers would only be a “lost generation” if the world allowed it, she emphasized.
  AKALLO 女士讲述了她在孩提时代被皇家反抗军队绑架的事情并强调了儿童军通常在人民的脑海中被想象成手握AK-47s手枪的男孩。但是除了男孩之外,女孩同样面临如此的遭遇。她们必须战斗但同时也被迫嫁人并生子。她还强调说如果世界不重视她们,这些儿童军将只能成为“迷失的一代”。
  In the ensuing interactive dialogue, the representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, described how the group was geared to ensuring peace in the region. Cultural diversity was a regional characteristic and the basis for cooperation and interaction.
  Also taking part in the discussion was a representative of the non-governmental organization Society for Public Health Education.
  Panel Discussion III
  Carlos Enrique García González, Permanent Representative of El Salvador, moderated the third panel and introduced the following panellists: Federico Mayor, President, Foundation for a Culture of Peace; Nancy Roof, Founder, Kosmos: the Journal for World Citizens Creating the New Civilization; Mikiko Otani, international human rights lawyer; Abigail E. Disney, filmmaker, co-Founder, Gbowee Peace Foundation, and President, Fork Films & Peace Is Loud; and Patricia Smith Melton, Founder, Peace X Peace.
  Moderator GARC?A GONZ?LEZ said humanity faced a significant dilemma involving its own survival. The United Nations had decided that humanity needed to build a culture of peace, and those words could not remain empty; they required a higher level of awareness. Today’s discussion had looked at the issue of a culture of peace from spiritual, religious, economic and several other perspectives. The panellists would add their viewpoints and aim to link the discussion with current United Nations agendas, he said.
  GONZ?LEZ谈到了人权问题及其面临的尴尬的进退两难的境地。联合国决定人类需建立文化和平体系,必须要把这些理论落实到行动上并且要求对人权给予更高的关注。今天围绕着文化和平的讨论需要从多种角度来看待。这些参与者也会表达各自的观点,并把讨论和当今联合国的议程联系在一起。   Mr. MAYOR said the culture of peace was becoming an “essential point of reference” for the United Nations. Addressing the panel’s main question, “What is needed?”, he said education was a key imperative. “Education is to contribute to the formation of human beings that are free and responsible,” he stressed. Discussing peace began at the personal and local levels, and daily behaviour, awareness and involvement were critical, as “we must be actors in our lives”. Several countries in Latin America today mentioned the culture of peace, while Africa had held a continent-wide meeting on the subject, and was forming a related network. However, bringing about a culture of peace required action on the part of women and youth. Today, unlike in the past, young people were able to express themselves and could advocate for peace.
  MAYOR 先生说道文化和平已经成为联合国提出的核心观念,提出了小组的主要问题:“我们需要什么?”他指出教育势在必行。他强调了教育的重要作用并讨论了和平在日常生活上的落实及参与的重要:“我们必须是自己生活中的行动者。”非洲和拉丁美洲所提倡的和平文化不同的是,它召开了洲际性的会议,并以此为主题构建相关的网络,还提出它的实现需要妇女和年轻人的参与。和过去不同的是年轻人能够表现自己并提倡和平。
  Ms. ROOF said that the culture of peace embraced the number-one concern of all humanity. “We are here because we care that people are in pain and suffering. We are outraged at the injustices we face daily.” New communication technologies allowed people to share experiences on a global basis, and the human race was moving into a new era, she said. Meanwhile, efforts during the present “in-between time” should focus on building a new consciousness and capacity for peace. “These changes are happening right now in every country of the world,” she emphasized. A focus was also needed on prevention and on developing a new wellness model. The approach must be inclusive, spanning from personal and local development to movement on the national and international levels. Strategies must be linked and work collaboratively, she stressed, saying no single group “has the answer”.
  Roof 女士说文化使人类头等难题迎刃而解:“我们之所以在这里致力于这样的工作是因为我们关注正身处于水深火热的人民。对于当今社会的不公正现象我们感到愤慨。”她指出了通讯技术的提高使人民从中获利并使人类进入了一个新纪元。她还强调了发展的作用和影响。这些变化的领域也不断扩大,而战略手段也必须互相结合,杜绝“单一作战”。
  Ms. OTANI said children faced many challenges daily, stressing that preventing violence in one generation reduced its likelihood in the next. Therefore, protecting children from violence was a key strategy for promoting freedom, peace and justice throughout the world. The United Nations had proclaimed 2001-2010 the International Decade for a Culture of Peace, and “our responsibilities must remain unchanged beyond the decade”. Among other things, women should be empowered and the participation of children as partners in the family encouraged. Finally, she stressed peace must be recognized as a “self-standing” human right that would make the culture of peace more meaningful.   OTANI 女士说孩子们在当今遇到挑战,她强调阻止一代人的暴力行为能够减少下一代出现此类行为的几率。因此对于儿童免受暴力行为的保护是推动世界自由,和平和公正的关键性战略。联合国也就此做出相关声明,倡导:“我们的责任必须在十年之后依旧保持不变。”另外,妇女在家庭中权力的提升和儿童参与家庭并成为家庭活动的一员也受到了鼓励和支持。最后她还强调了我们必须把和平看作是“自我支持”的人权,这样,和平文化才能更有意义。
  Ms. DISNEY said that, as a United States citizen, she would focus her comments on her national culture. Describing the United States as a major exporter of both weapons and the “entertainment industrial complex”, she said it was also responsible for an almost eroticized “mythology of violence”. The words “non-violence” and “peace” were not respected, and violence was hardwired into national culture, she said, adding that such a focus on violence represented a “deadening” of the imagination. The central challenge of the twenty-first century was for people, including the media and the entertainment industry, to understand the consequences of their decisions. Peacebuilding would be difficult for Americans, as it would demand that they ask tough questions about their choices and push back against the status quo. Nevertheless, “we need to wake this country up from its sleeping”, she said. Peace was a series of choices, she concluded, adding: “You make it.”
  DISNEY 女士描述了美国作为一个以武器和“娱乐工业合成体”为主的进口国应该对“色情神话”现象负责。对于非暴力和和平两个概念缺乏尊重致使暴力在国家文化中横行。因此21世纪传播工具的发展对于维护世界和平极为重要。美国在构建和平观念的框架上尽管困难重重,但他始终需要觉醒并认识到现在所存在的问题。
  Ms. MELTON said that humans had developed consciousness in the context of a vast universe. “We need to figure out how to live well, here and now,” she said, recalling that the world was still plagued by many challenges, including war. Building the culture of peace was, therefore, the highest calling, and nothing was more needed, more precious, more vital or more valuable than the work of caring for one another. Individuals and cultures must have the courage of forgiveness, and all people must work to cooperate with, rather than destroy, others. The flood of information created by people speaking out was the collective human consciousness “sorting itself out,” she said. Every human was a point of consciousness, and everyone was responsible for discovering and loving one another. The female principles of love and inclusiveness were imperative to peace, she stressed. “When the mess is so big, our vision must be clearer,” she warned, urging participants to follow their personal visions on the path towards a culture of peace.
  MELTON 女士认为人类的思想意思发展飞速:“我们需要意识到此时此刻如何更好地生存。”她也指出当今世界所面临的诸多不安因素,除了战争还有很多挑战,而对于和平文化的建设更需给予更多的关注和呼吁。每个人都需要互相关爱,人和文化需要以互相包容为前提,只有互助合作才能实现和平。以爱及其包含的相关内容为整体的女性规范对和平至关重要,她还警告说:“当出现严重混乱的时候,我们更应该拥有清晰的视觉”,这段话用以敦促每个参会者在和平文化的道路上追随个人的愿景并保持自己的想象空间。
在疾病的治疗和修复过程中,患者机体所处的最佳状态,是睡眠状态。如患者的睡眠发生异常或长期保证不了夜间应有的睡眠,中枢神经系统和各组织器官的生理机能则得不到足够的休息而处于低能状态,降低了机体的抵抗力和战胜疾病的能力,不利于机体的恢复。为此,患者夜间睡眠的护理应引起足够重视。如何加强夜间患者睡眠的护理,我们有以下几点体会:    1引起睡眠障碍的主要原因    1.1患者对医院新的环境不适应。  1
在神经内科住院患者中,由于各种原因引起的昏迷不醒常伴有吞咽困难,呛咳,以致不能进食。临床上常需要插入鼻饲管,供应食物和药物,以达到维持营养和治疗的目的。    1插管前护理    对意识清楚的患者,家属要与医师一道做好病人的思想工作,向患者说明鼻饲的必要性与保证充足营养对疾病恢复的重要性,要病人忍耐暂时的不适以配合治疗。对昏迷患者要与家属沟通,解释鼻饲对疾病康复的重要性及操作可能出现的意外,以取得
静脉留置针又称套管针,作为头皮针的换代产品以其操作简单、套管柔软、套管在静脉内留置时间长且不易穿破血管特点被广泛应用于临床。它减少了病人由于反复穿刺的痛苦,而且减轻了护士的工作量。    1选择血管和留置针型号     根据患者年龄、病情、血管情况选择套管针型号。选择血管宜用相对粗直、有弹性、血流丰富、无静脉瓣、避开关节且易于固定的血管。  1.1操作方法:消毒穿刺部位后,旋转松动留置针外套管。以
【关键词】护理书写 医疗纠纷 防范    2002年9月1日实施的新的《医疗事故处理条例》等法律法规的实施,更加明确了护理记录在医疗事故中的作用。因此,护理记录的质量在预防医疗纠纷中是何等重要。    1护理书写中存在的问题    1.1护理记录相符性差  1.1.1 记录医疗不相符,如阴道出血的病人,护理记录中有阴道出血,而在医生的病程记录中则是无阴道出血。  1.1.2 医嘱开的时间与护士执行
I first heard about the World Youth Day in mid-2004, completely by chance when on the internet, I came across a link to the “Weltjugendtag 2005”, scheduled for Cologne, Germany in 2005.  Upon further
If a man finds himself with bread in both hands, he should exchange one loaf for some flowers of Narcissus.  ——The Prophet Muhammad  假如你有两块面包,请你用一块换一朵水仙花。  ——穆罕默德  Sept. 10 of 2013 marks the tenth “Wo
I am deeply honored to be invited as the special guest to address today’s High Level Forum on The Culture of Peace convened by the General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic. It is under his presidency th