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现代科技的日新月异,即时通讯技术和现代物流交通网络的逐步完善,麦克卢汉所预言的“地球村”真正来到了我们的生活之中。世界各地不同文化传统之间出现了空前的全方位接触与碰撞。文化与文化之间融合还是对话,乃至冲突,国家民族间的文化传播与影响对现阶段国际关系深远而复杂的影响。随着科学技术的快速发展,使全球化的文化与物质传播超越了时空的约束,文化的交流与传播无论在现实世界还是虚拟世界,都突破了空间结构与时间秩序的限制。在世界各民族交流中英语成为不可替代的语言,它在成为世界各民族沟通桥梁的同时,更为英美文化的垄断性传播和输出提供了至关重要的保障,使各民族原有的传统文化、语言、文字,甚至处于更深层次的文化心理意识都收到了极大的冲击。本文就英美文化对传播历史做出了解读,并通过广告与商标翻译的差异性等经济学指标进行了比较,并对英美文化的传播策略做出了保护传统文化的构想。 With the ever-changing modern science and technology, the instant messaging technology and the logistics network of modern logistics have been gradually perfected. McLuhan predicted that the “Global Village” really came into our lives. There have been unprecedented all-round contacts and collisions between different cultural traditions around the world. The integration and dialogue between cultures and cultures, and even the conflicts and the dissemination and influence of the cultures among different nations have a far-reaching and complicated impact on the international relations at this stage. With the rapid development of science and technology, the globalization of culture and material transmission transcends the constraints of time and space. The exchange and dissemination of culture break through the restrictions of the space structure and the time order in both the real world and the virtual world. English has become an irreplaceable language in the communication among all ethnic groups in the world. While it has become a bridge of communication among all ethnic groups in the world, it also provides the crucial guarantee for the monopolistic transmission and export of Anglo-American culture. As a result, the original traditional culture of all ethnic groups , Language, writing, even at a deeper level of cultural and psychological awareness have received a tremendous impact. This article makes a comparison between British and American culture on the history of communication and compares the economic indicators such as the difference between advertisement and trademark translation and makes the conception of protecting traditional culture on the communication strategy of Anglo-American culture.