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  Hangzhou Opens Confucius Classroom in Los Angeles
  A delegation from Hangzhou Arts School has just returned from its visit to Los Angeles. Headed by Wu Xigen, deputy director of Hangzhou Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television, the delegation inaugurated a Confucius Classroom at Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LOCHSA). The visit was from October 2 to 12.
  The visit was a response to the initiative of a group of 20 plus educators of California that had visited Hangzhou in September. The group met with Hangzhou education authorities and the two sides finalized a decision on a Confucius Classroom to be set up by Hangzhou Arts School in LOCHSA, which is considered one of the best public art schools in USA. The LOCHSA is situated on the campus of University of California, Los Angles (UCLA) and shares all the hardware resources with UCLA, but administratively, the high school runs its operation independently.
  The Hangzhou delegation consisted of 25 members including some municipal leaders and teachers and students of Hangzhou Arts School. The Confucius Classroom was launched on October 3, attended by government officials of the local education authorities and principals of UCLA, Confucius Institute of UCLA, and LOCHSA.
  On the launching ceremony, the student artists from Hangzhou Arts School performed a Yueju Opera play entitled “Liang Zhu” (also known as Butterfly Romance) based on a love story that occurred around Hangzhou in ancient times. The Hangzhou dancers also performed a dance specially created for the occasion.
  Song Jiaming, principal of Hangzhou Arts School, in an interview with the author of this story, speaks highly of the visit, describing it as an eye-opening event. He does not think the American public knows very much about China. The young people in particular know little about Chinese culture except some signature things such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and Peking Opera. This exchange program in Los Angeles opened the eyes of Song and his colleagues and students. American people take strong interest in knowing more about Chinese culture. Song considers it a task to promote Chinese culture more arduously on the part of Chinese people. In a diverse cultural context, he points out, exchanges between cultures that are relatively remote from and unfamiliar with each other are all the more important.
  After talking with American colleagues, Song summarizes the visit in a brief statement: we brought culture over to the other side of the Pacific Ocean and sowed the seeds of Hangzhou. He says, “This Confucius Classroom does more than disseminate Chinese culture. It also enhances the image of Hangzhou.”
  The young artists from Hangzhou Arts School are deeply impressed by what they saw in Los Angeles. A girl remembers: “The houses were low and roads were wide and the environment was extremely nice.” Another girl comments: “Compared with us, Americans our age seem more mature. They are lovely and energetic. If they hear music in street, they just dance.” The third girl says, “The school is clean and shipshape. Students sit on the floor, eating and chatting in a highly relaxing and enjoyable way.” A teacher summarizes that the Confucius Classroom at LOCHSA serves as a window on Hangzhou. It creates opportunities for students on both sides to share and communicate. This visit enabled the youngsters at LOCHSA experienced the culture from the south of the Yangtze River Delta and felt at the first hand the charm of Hangzhou, a paradise city.
  Song Jiaming reveals that the two schools are planning to start an exchange program for students and teachers. Moreover, the two schools are considering a possibility to jointly create a musical. Song says that LOCHSA is part of a more extensive exchange program that Hangzhou Arts School undertakes. The school runs exchange programs with its counterparts in Hong Kong and Taiwan. On September 20, 2011, the school signed a cooperation agreement with Gyeongsang National University, Korea for long-term cooperative and friendly exchange activities. The school visits Singapore annually and celebrates the Spring Festival with the Chinese community there. The year 2011 was the fifth of the annual visit. □
周恩来爱好戏剧,重视戏剧。他曾多次观看故乡的昆剧、越剧、绍剧、婺剧,对浙江地方戏剧给予亲切的关怀。     “你们浙江做了一件好事:一出戏救活了一个剧种。《十五贯》有丰富的人民性和相当高的艺术性。”  昆曲是集我国的历史、文学、表演、音乐、舞台艺术于一体的古老剧种,在全国有很大的影响。  周恩来一生多次观看过昆剧表演,对不少昆剧剧目从剧情内容到表演程式都有中肯的评价。  解放前夕,昆剧濒临绝唱。
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今年,正值昆曲表演艺术大师周传瑛诞辰100周年,也是昆曲被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录10周年,杭州举办名家折子戏专场演出及周传瑛学术研究会等纪念活动。  在“十年”“百龄”时节,笔者走访了浙江昆剧团,采写了薪火永续,浙昆“传、世、盛、秀”四代同堂的兴旺局面。    “昆曲,发源于14、15世纪苏州昆山的曲唱艺术体系,糅合了唱念做表、舞蹈及武术的表演艺术。”这是中华书局《现代汉语词典》中,对昆曲的解
2011年12月24日,在泰国访问的国家副主席习近平,专门抽时间参观了泰国朱拉隆功大学孔子学院。习近平说,教育的文化交流是增进各国人民相互了解的重要纽带,它能增进人民相互间的了解和友谊,为促进国与国的平等合作、互利共赢,为促进人类不同文明之间的相互学习借鉴作出新贡献。  近年来,党和国家领导人出访,往往会参观当地的孔子学院,参加相关活动。  但很多人不知道的是,浙江西部的一所中学,很早以前就开始了
10月18日,本刊接待了来自印度世界合作与文化关系联合会代表团的一行7位印度友人。双方进行了愉快的会见与座谈。  本刊总编辑应金泉向客人表示欢迎,并介绍了《文化交流》杂志的概况。他说,浙江,物华天宝,人杰地灵,山川秀美,文化底蕴深厚。在这块人文荟萃、友好交流频繁的土地上,才能诞生这本发行到150多个国家和地区,走过26年历史的中英文对照月刊。杂志注重宣传国内外的优秀文化和独特民俗,希望印度朋友积极
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