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今年八月十二日,部召开了全国邮电部门老干部工作会议,总结了几年来邮电部门的老干部工作,交流了经验,研讨紧密围绕邮电翻三番的目标,进一步搞好新时期的老干部工作。几年来,全国邮电系统的老干部工作,在各级党委和地方党委的领导下,经过各级老干部部门和相关部门的共同努力,做了很多工作,取得了显著成绩。许多离休老同志革命精力不减当年,继续为党为人民做力所能及的贡献,受到广大邮电职工和人民群众的称赞。但工作发展很不平衡,党对老干部的政策尚未完全落实。因此,进一步搞好新时期的老干部工作,以适应新形势发展的要求,仍是当前一项光荣而繁重的任务。党的十一届三中全会以后,党中央十分重视老干部工作,中央领导同志作过多次重要讲话,党中央有关政策规定是明确的。《中共中央关于建立老干部退休制度的决定》中指出:“妥善安排新老干部有秩序有步骤地实行适当的交替,已经成为当前摆在我们全党面前的一个重大课题”。随着改革形势的发展,新老干部的交替进行,老干部的安置、服务工作亦将 On August 12 this year, the ministry held a working conference for veteran cadres in the national post and telecommunications department, summarized the work of veteran cadres in the post and telecommunications departments over the past few years, exchanged experiences, studied closely the goal of quadrupling the post and telecommunications, and further improved the work of veteran cadres in the new era. Over the past few years, the work of veteran cadres in the national post and telecommunications system has done a great deal of work with the joint efforts of veteran cadres at all levels and relevant departments under the leadership of Party committees and local party committees at all levels and has achieved remarkable results. Many retired veteran revolutionary unabated power that year, continue to do our utmost to the party for the people’s contribution, by the majority of postal workers and the masses praised. However, the development of the work is not balanced and the party’s policy on veteran cadres has not yet been fully implemented. Therefore, it is still a glorious and arduous task to further improve the work of veteran cadres in the new period in order to meet the requirements of the new situation and development. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the work of veteran cadres and the leading leaders of the Central Government made many important speeches. The relevant policies and provisions of the CPC Central Committee are clear. The CPC Central Committee’s Decision on Establishing the System of Retirement of Veteran Cadres pointed out: “Proper arrangements for the proper alternation between new and old cadres in an orderly and step-by-step manner have become a major issue currently facing our entire party.” With the development of the reform, the alternation of new and old cadres, the resettlement and service work of veteran cadres
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