Reading is the best efficient method to learn English

来源 :中国教研交流 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxiaotu
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  Abstract:This paper explores the reading of the learners in English study.Based on the reviews of the quality of learners in past time,compares with do exercises and reading,we know reading play a important role in language study;however,though some fact experiences and benefits examples from the English learn,we are sure reading is the efficient method to learn English.The outcome of this paper is expected to be of significance to the construction of knowledge-skills-abilities for the foreign language study.
  Key words:reading,language study,English learners
  There are many English learners in China,but they just do exercises and happened in many kinds of schools.Do exercises take up main learning time,so this gives us such an impression;English studying is done exercises.I think it’s a worse thing for English learners.
  Of course,study English can’t exit alone,it must depend on exercise,but only do exercises can’t study well.From the kindergarten to the university people spend so much energy and money to study English;however,the level hasn’t improved too much.From this we should ask ourselves,is there anything wrong in our English studying?The answer is:yes,there is something wrong in our studying.
  Do exercises put it at the first position exit many problems?Sure.In one hand,this happened at an unreal language atmosphere,because true language atmosphere just depend on itself,it demands people do it by theirselves.At the other hand,do exercises just recognize language but don’t know how to use language.At last,the students just only reading not in their mind,it is so dull,because it change the colorful language study into a dull world,so many kinds of people always study English hard but inefficient.
  About that opinion,we judge English is skin-deep.So in order to develop our English skill,I think the best idea is reading.
  There are some benefits from reading as fellows:
  Reading makes a full man.The more books you read,the more knowledge you’ll have.If you own this it helps you improve your culture studying and make a good temper.
  Reading builds a good mood.Whatever books you read in mind and understand in your brain,after know the soul of the text,you’ll find your feeling is more activity than the origin feeling,you have fresh news——fresh brain,fresh mind,fresh idea and so on.
  Reading improves your oral English skill.Study English,when you open your mouse you would notice the pronunciation,language speed and express.At that situation, you can correct faults and speak Standard English.Britain or American English has humor in daily life.For example,two boys by car,one of them drive it fast,the other one said:be careful!Don’t drive so fast.My mother loves me.In Chinese,be careful,drive slowly,I don’t want to dead.So,we developed our oral ability.
  Reading enhances language feeling.In a limit period,if you want to absorb in useful thing and abandon useful less you must to understand the fact of language,the fact of English teaching is teach students use it not only understand.For example:“You should have been found it.”We express this meaning like this:“You can’t miss it” not “You are thought to found it.” Though this sample express,we know good language is fluent and beautiful.So our learners should create language beauty.
  Except for reading benefits,the other important thing we should discuss is what books you select to read?I think the best idea is the language skill of the people,from the easy to hard,we obtain knowledge step by step.To the English learners,if the text is writing by English,whatever you read is helpful.But,one person’s interest is very important,I advise learners read some detective books at first,then some essays,romantic stories and so on.
  At last,I want to say something in English learn,that is I advocate the important of reading.But I also don’t think listen,speak,writing isn’t necessary,it’s just at different period,compare with them,in some periods maybe reading stand at a important role.
  In my experiences I find if you want to make good marks or excellent study you should reading more and more.Though reading not only knowledge study but also the rebuilt of feeling and thought.This is the only study beauty from knowledge——reading.
我认为在量的知识教学中合理利用学校资源,让学生进行必要的实践活动,既有利于学生在课余将自己学到的数学知识、技能充分地运用于实践;又有利于学生在实践中积累经验,在活动反馈中整理知识、提升思维,掌握解决问题的方法和策略。  下面以“米和厘米的认识”及“千米的认识”中的一些实践活动为例,说说我是怎样利用学校资源来进行量知识方面的教学,以便培养学生量方面的数感。  当学生从课堂上认识了“米和厘米”后,我先
高考英语写作在整套英语试题中占30分(全国卷),所占比例之大、困难程度之高,历来是考生的头痛之处。那么,我们应该怎样应对呢?除了应尽力把句子写得通畅、卷面尽量整洁、尽力避免语法和拼写错误之外,要想得高分,还应注意以下几个写作策略。    一、变化句式,丰富文章表现力    高考英语书面表达新的评分标准提出:语法结构或词汇方面虽有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致,具有较强的语言运用能
阅读理解能力是指通过阅读,吸收和获取英语书面信息的能力,这些信息一般是指自己感兴趣的或与自己与主题有关的信息。通常包括具体事实和细节、文章层次和逻辑关系、文章主旨和大意、作者的态度观点等。  中学英语教学大纲指出:“中学英语教学的目的是对中学生进行听、说、读、写的基本训练,培养学生口头上、书面上初步运用英语的能力,侧重培养阅读能力。”  阅读理解试题主要用来测试学生的阅读速度、理解能力和记忆能力。
多年来,初中数学教学改革的热门课题是如何改进课堂教学,如何培养学生的思维能力等,特别是如何全面实施素质教育,提高数学教学质量。其实,数学教学的改革应包括作业批改的改革,因为批改作业是教学环节的一个重要组成部分。    一、“全批全改”存在的问题    初中数学作业的批改方法多采用“全批全改”。目前,随着数学教学改革的深入进行以及时代对培养新型人才的需要,明显地暴露了作业“全批全改”存在的问题。  
英语中的插入语(Parenthesis)是指插在句子中的一个词、短语或从句,通常被逗号、破折号或句子的其他部分隔开,它与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关系。它在句子中的位置灵活,可位于句首,句中或句尾,但不能离开句子单独存在。  插入语在句中通常是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表示说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上
新课程教改中数学老师不停地点击鼠标,播放着闪烁的画面、舒缓的音乐,热热闹闹,代替全部板书,也取代了实验。学生看不到教师的亲手示范,学生不能亲手操作,无形中忽视了学生的课堂主体地位,“机灌”代替了“人灌”,忽略了学生的思维过程,忽略了学生从事实中的感性认识。  课堂教学就不仅仅是一个被动的执行或灌输,而是在深入了解学生基础上的精心设计和不断生成。老师们也会更加关注学生在课堂上的表现及课堂教学设计。 
一、教学内容  人教版小学数学第十二册第118-119页,复习已学过的各种计量单位,完成练习二十五相关的练习。  二、教学目的  1、通过整理复习使学生系统的掌握长度、面积、体积、重量、时间等各种量及其计量单位,对相邻两个计量单位之间的进率更清楚,加强建立各种计量单位的表象,从而学会灵活运用有关知识去解决实际问题;  2、让学生学会分类归纳、有序整理、系统复习的学习方法,提高学习的能力;  3、能
中学英语教学大纲要求对学生进行听、说、读、写的基本训练,发展学生英语听、说、读、写的基本技能,培养学生在口头上和书面上运用英语的能力。书面表达能力的提高是中学阶段英语教学中师生共同努力的目标。下面介绍高中英语书面表达教学中的一些教学方法:    一、抓好单词书写    对学生提出规范而整洁的卷面要求是老师们所不能忽视的。不规范的书写往往造成考试中不必要的掉分。规范的大小写、标点符号和整洁的卷面是书